

【作者】 韩玉洁

【导师】 张冠华;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 大众文化的兴盛引起了国内外学者的广泛关注,但在对大众文化的理解和判断中存在诸多的纷争。法兰克福学派和伯明翰学派认为大众文化是“文化工业”,站在精英文化的立场上对大众文化进行批判;我国许多学者习惯上运用西方大众文化研究理论来阐释大众文化问题。在对大众文化界定和判断时倾向把大众文化与通俗文化混为一谈。纵观历史,通俗文化在和平时期商业社会兴起时都会占主导地位,有关通俗文化的争议也屡见不鲜。而大众文化是雅、俗并举的。笔者认为,真正影响当代大众文化的是大众媒介,本研究主要从大众媒介分析的角度来解读大众文化。 全文除了前言和结束语外,正文分为四个部分: 第一部分主要讲述近代媒介的变革和大众媒介的问世。近代媒介的变革和声像媒介、电子媒介、网络媒介等媒介的问世使人类进入大众媒介时代。大众文化研究中的大众媒介是指通过技术手段达到交流目的的媒介,如电视、广播、报纸、网络等大众媒介。大众媒介的问世使文化的传播的形式和特征发生了彻底的改变。 第二部分指出大众文化是大众媒介时代的特有的文化形态。大众文化在中西的发展历程表明大众媒介直接促成了大众文化的兴起。人们面对媒介就是面对大众文化。大众媒介是大众文化产生和传播的基础。大众媒介不仅是大众文化的传播手段,而且进入大众文化内层结构,成为大众文化的一部分,改变着大众文化的内容和形式。大众文化与传统文化的最根本的区别就是大众媒介。 第三部分是本文的重点部分,也是本文的创新点所在。笔者通过媒介分析来解读大众文化。首先,笔者对三种传统大众文化观进行理论再思考,指出各自的偏颇之处,得出大众文化是一种雅俗并举的媒介文化的结论。其次,对众说纷纭的“大众”做出自己的界定。大众文化的“大众”是参与大众媒介文化接受和传播的共同体。在对大众文化的批判理论中,德国法兰克福学派敏锐的指出媒介对“大众”的异化并对大众文化报以悲观的评述;英国伯明翰文化研究中心则强调“大众”在接受大众媒介时,不是完全被动的。大众调动自己的知识贮备和经验在欣赏大众文化产品中,会产生意义和快感,以形成对媒介控制权的抵抗。最后,笔者认为当前的大众文化已充分媒介化,呈现出六种显著的媒介特征:多元化、平民化、通俗化、时尚化、标准化、视觉感性化;并从大众媒介的复制性、感性化和大众媒介权利的滥用三个方面分析了大众媒介对大众文化的消极影响。 第四部分从媒介的角度谈大众文化的提升。当然大众媒介给文化带来的也不都是福音。大众媒介受消费意识的左右,大众媒介的感性化、复制性及人为的媒介权力使用的泛滥时代造成了大众文化产品品味的降低。从这个角度说,中西学者对大众文化的批判是极为切中肯萦的。大众文化需要提升,对大众媒介权力的控制是必要的,笔者认为应注意对大众媒介的权力主体的教育和引导,并制定相应的政策进行规范和监督。同时大众文化的提升也需要精英知识分子的转向和积极参与大众媒介,参与大众文化产品的制作和传播。精英知识分子参与提升大众文化应注意以下几点:坚持人文主义精神;对大众进行教育;遵循大众媒介的规律和特点;加强精英文化的引入。

【Abstract】 The flourish of popular culture absorbed the extensive attention of the scholar in the world, but the understanding and judgment about popular culture are not unanimous The Frankfurt school and the scholars in Birmingham culture study center think that the popular culture is culture industry They criticized popular culture on the elite stand.The scholar in china confuse popular culture and public culture Public popular appears when the commercial society have developed enough in the peace era In my opinion, it is the mass media that influence the popular culture, therefore, I analyze the popular culture with the mass media theoryThe main content of the article is divided into four sections except preface and afterwards:The first part mainly describes the appear of the mass media With the development of media and the appear of visual media electric media computer net etc, we enter the mass media era The mass media include Television Radio Broadcast Newspaper Internet The appear of the mass media makes the character and transmit of the popular change thoroughlyThe second section of the article analyzes the relation of the mass and the mass media From the develop procedure of the popular in the West world and China, I can conclude that the popular culture is a especially culture in the mass media era The "media" is the core of popular culture and the foundation of the popular culture. The mass is not only the transmittal way of the popular culture ,but also a important part of the popular mass We should study the mass media in order to understand popular comprehensivelyThe third section of the article is the most important part In this part, I analyze the popular culture though study the mass mediae Firstly, the popular culture is a media culture that includes the elite culture and the public culture Secondly, the mass is a collective consisted of all the people who participate in the mass media,. TheFrankfurt school point out that the mass are alienated by the mass media and evaluate the popular culture pessimism The scholars in Birmingham culture study center emphasize that the mass can produce meaning and joy when they confront with the mass They conflict with the mass media with meaning and joy Finally, general to say, the media features of the popular include six aspects: polybasic civilianize popularize fashionab standardize visualize and perceptual; Furthermore, the mass media cause many positive influence on the popular cultureThe fourth part is talk about how to upgrade the popular culture. The reproduction and perception of the mass media make many negative effect on the popular profoundly I hold that the popular should upgraded Firstly, we should take some measures to conduct and educate the people who are engage in the mass media; Secondly, the elites should participate in the mass media extensively

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G206.3
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1717

