

【作者】 唐浩

【导师】 谭同德;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟现实技术是计算机图形学、人工智能、计算机网络、信息处理等技术综合发展的产物。虚拟现实技术在机械行业有广泛的应用前景。面向装配的设计是当前研究的一个热点。 本论文以虚拟设计系统的研究、开发为切入点,对其中相关的虚拟现实技术进行了研究、分析,既有理论方面的又有实践方面的。 立体显示设备在虚拟现实系统中占具重要位置,为系统提供立体视觉,其购置成本较高。本文提出的基于双机通信的立体显示技术用软件的复杂度来代替硬件的复杂度,降低了成本,是立体显示技术的新发展。 基于虚实跳变的混合建模技术是一种基于图形图象的混合建模技术。该技术可以在虚拟环境中把图象当作前景来处理。其关键算法是虚境交互算法、虚实跳变算法。基于图象建模中存在着难以同图象中物体进行交互、交互过程中图形图象融合的问题。虚境交互算法对虚境中物体以图象的形式进行处理,使用ID号标识的方法来管理物体和实现交互。虚实跳变算法对跳变物体同时进行虚境交互、实境交互两种处理,采用外露面投影的方法来实现图形、图象的相互融合,达到了虚实无缝连接的效果。 装配规划中存在着不考虑装配的阶段性、过程性和可并行性的问题。基于VRML的虚拟装配过程仿真采用了二次规划、行为仿真、控制过程,达到了更真实更清晰地反映装配过程的效果。二次规划利用零部件和子装配体的位置信息、可并行性来对装配进行再次规划,实现装配的过程性和可并行性。利用运动学方法、关系法来实现行为仿真和控制过程,在控制过程中实现了指示信息,对装配实现的阶段性、过程性进行了控制。

【Abstract】 The virtrual reality technology is a developing producetion which is synthesized from Computer Grapics , Artificial Intelligence, Computer Network and Communication Management. In the machine industry there is an extensive application perspective with the Virtrual Reality technology. The Design for Assembly is a hot-point in the currently research.With the cut-in point of the research and development in a virtual design system, this paper researches and aanalyses its interrelated virtrual reality technology, which is in both the theoretics and the practise.The stereo display equipment owns an important position in the virtual reality system and offers the third dimension for the system. But the purshase cost is expensive. This offered the two-computeres -communications-based stereo display technology ,which replaces the complexity of hardware with the complexity of software in order to debase the cost and which is a new development of the stereo display technology.The virtual_real_based mixed modeling technology is a graphics__ image_based mixed modeling technology. The technology can makes the image as a foreground in the virtual environment. In the alternation its key antarithmetic are the virtual environment alternation antarithmetic and the virtual real jumping antarithmetic.There are questions, which people hard alternate with the object in the image and in the alternation the amalgation with the graphics and image is difficult, in the image_based modeling. The virtual environment alternation antarithmetic manages the objects in the virtual environment as the image form, and uses the ID mark to manage the objects and realize the alternation. The the virtual real jumping antarithmetic manages the jumping objects with both the virtual environment disposal and the real environment disposal at the same time, and uses the projection with the outside face to realize the amalgamation with the graphics and image one another, which achieves the effect of the no slot connection of the virtual and the real.There is a question in the assembly layout, which no considers the phase nature , the process nature and the parallelizability of the assembly. The VRML-based virtual assembly process simulation uses the secondlayout, the action simulation and the management process.And so it achieves the effect of reflecting the assembly program realer and clearer. The second layout uses the positon information and parallelizability of the parts and the assembly parts to mark out the assembly again, to realize the process nature and the parallelizability of the assembly. Using the way of kinermatics and the principle of connection realizes the action simulation and the management process. It realizes the showing information in the management process, and controls the phase nature and the process nature of the assembly realization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】307

