Analysis of Backlash in NGW Planetary Gear Reducer
【作者】 解晓辉;
【导师】 王长路;
【作者基本信息】 机械科学研究院 , 机械设计及理论, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 伺服系统是一种重要的自动控制系统,精密行星齿轮减速器在伺服系统中的应用正日趋广泛。精度、稳定性和灵敏度是伺服系统的三项重要性能指标,而闭环伺服系统的稳定性和灵敏度在很大程度上取决于能否将其中齿轮装置的回差控制在要求的范围内。行星齿轮减速器的回差分析与计算问题,在国内一直处于研究探索之中。 本文结合工程需要,针对NGW行星齿轮减速器,主要做了如下工作: 1)本文首次提出了NGW行星齿轮减速器回差的概率计算方法,推导出了计算公式,并通过实例验证了计算方法和公式的正确性。采用概率计算方法,可以避免极值法导致不经济设计的缺点。该方法根据生产批量与齿轮精度要求的不同,分别给出了以单项误差为参数和以综合误差为参数的计算公式,可以满足不同生产条件的需求。用该方法可以在设计阶段对设计方案能否达到回差要求做出预先评估,还可以比较多个设计方案,进行“多中择优”。行星齿轮减速器回差的概率预测方法的提出,也使其所在的整个系统的概率误差预测成为可能。 2)本文较全面地分析了影响行星齿轮减速器静态回差的主要因素,所研究的回差来源包括了行星齿轮减速器主要零部件的制造、装配误差以及温度变化、弹性变形等。对轴线平行度误差、部件误差等误差与回差间的数学关系进行了定量分析。 3)在分析偏心类误差对回差的影响时,考虑了偏心的相位角在齿轮工作过程中是否变化,偏心矢量的模单独影响回差以及模与相位角共同影响回差的不同;在分析间隙类误差对回差的影响时,考虑了受力大小不同的影响,从而使分析结果更接近实际。 4)本文通过分析备回差来源对行星轮系回差的作用规律和影响程度,按照对轮系回差影响的大小,将回差源分为三类,明确了控制行星轮系回差的方向与重点。根郑州机械研究所硕士学位论文 据分析结果,提出了在技术设计阶段,如何在零件选择、结构设计等方面减小回 差的具体措施。5)本文指出了末级回差对减小减速器回差的重要性;讨论了如何合理分配各级传动 比以减小减速器回差;分析了太阳轮分度圆直径对于减速器回差的影响。对这些 在传动链层面上影响减速器回差的因素进行控制,能够有效地减小行星齿轮减速 器的回差。 以上研究构成了NGW行星齿轮减速器回差分析的一套完整方法,可以为同类产品的技术设计和回差控制提供参考,也为行星齿轮减速器回差的精度分配研究奠定了基础。
【Abstract】 Today, precision planetary gearing is being used more and more frequently in servo systems. Backlash in planetary gearing is one of the essentials that affecting the stabilization and sensitivity of servo-loop. Because of structural complexity and various factors contributing to backlash, at home, it has not yet been brought to a successful issue that how to analyze and synthesize the backlash in planetary gearing.This paper focuses on the NGW planetary gear reducer. The author makes a comprehensive study of factors that affecting backlash, including the manufacturing and assembly errors in the main components of reducer, the thermal changes and deflections. The causes and control criteria of main backlash resources and the mathematical relationship between errors and corresponding backlash are discussed systematically. Then, the fundamental equations for calculating the backlash in a planetary gear reducer is established. Furthermore, by applying statistical analysis, the type of the distribution that each backlash source follows is determined, the expected value and standard deviation of corresponding backlash are derived. As a result, the author develops the statistical formulas for the calculation of the backlash in NGW planetary gear reducers. Also, the validity of this method is verified by a concrete case. In the end, practical measures to control backlash on determination of gear parameters, choose of components and structure design during the course of design, assembly and adjustment are presented.Although this paper is only the first step toward the successful solution to the analysis and synthesis of NGW planetary gear reducer, it can provide for necessary reference for the purpose of designing this type reducer or controlling backlash in it. This paper also lays a basis for relative researches.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 机械科学研究院 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
- 【分类号】TH132.4
- 【被引频次】11
- 【下载频次】641