

Study of Degreasing for Zinc Substrates

【作者】 沈继洲

【导师】 李新立; 李安忠;

【作者基本信息】 机械科学研究院 , 材料学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在汽车、家电、轻工等行业,锌件得到越来越广泛的应用。锌件在加工和运输过程中会沾上油污,这些油污的存在严重影响涂装性能,因此,锌件在涂装前必须进行脱脂处理,除掉表面的油污。 目前,国内锌件脱脂剂碱性强,并且含有磷酸盐。强碱性对锌件产生过腐蚀,含磷的脱脂剂废液对环保有影响。因此,研制低碱性、无磷的锌件脱脂剂具有重要的经济意义和社会效益。 通过实验,研究了不同类型表面活性剂的脱脂率,并对阴离子、阳离子和两性表面活性剂分别与非离子表面活性剂复配性能进行了研究,研究表明:阴离子表面活性剂601与非离子表面活性剂JFC-6复配提高了脱脂率;特别探讨了两性表面活性剂加入到非离子和阴离子表面活性剂体系中复配后的脱脂性能,研究表明:两性表面活性剂的引入进一步提高了脱脂率,并得到了由三种不同类型表面活性剂JFC-6、601和CAB-30组成的复配体系。研究了各种助剂对脱脂率的影响,缓蚀剂对缓蚀率的影响。通过正交实验得到脱脂剂配方,并对脱脂剂的应用工艺进行研究,得到锌件脱脂剂配方和工艺参数。 配方: JFC-6 4g/l 601 1g/l CAB-30 2g/l 醋酸钠 1.5g/l 酒石酸钠 1.5g/l 乙二胺四乙酸四钠 1.5g/l 3-氨基-三氮唑 1g/l 水 余量 工艺参数为: 脱脂温度 40℃-55℃ 脱脂时间 3min-6min 总碱度 5pt-7.5pt 通过与国内外同类脱脂剂进行性能对比测试表明:自制锌件脱脂剂的脱脂率与国内外脱脂剂的脱脂率相当;但pH值和对锌件的腐蚀速率明显低于国内脱脂剂且与国外脱脂剂的腐蚀速率接近;自制锌件脱脂剂不含磷,对环境污染小。

【Abstract】 The zinc-substrates get more and more extensive application in industry. The zinc-substrates will be stained with the greasy dirt in the course of processing and transportation, the existence of the greasy dirt has influenced the processing characteristics of substrates, even lead to the failure of coating. Therefore before coating the zinc-substrates must be degreased in order to remove dirt on its surface.The domestic degreasing agent is high alkaline, and include the phosphorus. High Alkaline corrodes zinc-substrates, the waste liquid of degreasing agent including phosphorus pollutes environment. It is important to develop a low alkaline degreasing agent without phosphorus for zinc-substrates.By experiments, the thesis studies the degrease characteristic of different kinds of surface-active agents, and mixture of nonion surface-active agents with the anion, cation and amphoteric surface-active agents, the result of the tests is that the anion surface-active agent 601 improves the degrease rate. Especially the thesis probes into the degrease characteristic of the mixture of three kinds of different kinds of surface-active agents, the study shows: CAB-30 improves the degreasing rate,there is good mixture of nonion surface-active agents JFC-6, Anion surface-active agent 601 and amphoteric surface-active agents CAB-30.The thesis studies degrease rate of various kinds of auxiliary, and inhibiting rate of corrosion inhibitor, Also the study gets zinc-substrates degreaser by orthogonal tests and craft parameters by craft tests.The contents:JFC-6 4g/l601 1g/1CAB-30 2g/lNaAc 1.5g/lTartaric acid sodium 1. 5g/lEDTA 1. 5 g/13-amino-triazole lg/1water otherCraft parameters: temperature 40℃-55℃the time 3 minutes -6 minutesTotal alkaline 5 pt -7.5pt.By comparing domestic and international zinc-substrates degreasing agent to this degreaser, the agent can reach domestic and international degrease rate of degreasing agent, it is superior to the domestic degreasing agent to corrosion rate, degrease time can reach the level of a degreasing agent of domestic and international daily Zinc-substrates degreaser, with low alkaline and without phosphorus.

【关键词】 脱脂环保表面活性剂
【Key words】 ZincDegreaseEnvironmental protectionSurface active
  • 【分类号】TG174
  • 【下载频次】301

