

【作者】 袁媛淑

【导师】 石柏林;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 中国共产党的监督机制是中国共产党的内部与外部通过各种因素、运用各种方式、调动各种社会力量对中国共产党的各级组织及党员领导干部实施监察、督促和制约,从而达到预防和制止权力滥用现象的最终目的的作用原理和作用过程。它包括监督主体、监督客体、监督内容、监督形式和监督的处置五大要素以及各要素之间的相互联系、相互制约。 中国共产党的监督机制经历了初步确立、曲折发展、“文化大革命”时期的全面破坏三个阶段。历史表明:1.传统的党的监督制度必须改革;2.党的监督制度改革必须坚持正确的方向;3.搞好党的监督的关键在于正确地推进民主监督;4.党的监督不能搞运动,只能靠法制。 十一届三中全会以来,党的监督工作取得了很大成绩,但党的监督机制的功能发挥仍然不强,造成这种现状的原因主要是:1.体制不合理;2.监督主客体的监督意识淡薄;3.在结构上缺乏有序性和统一性;4.重事后监督,轻事前和事中监督:5.处置力度不够;6.法律滞后,缺乏规范性和权威性。 完善党的监督机制必须坚持以下基本原则:1.坚持四项基本原则;2.坚持协调一致原则;3.坚持独立原则:4.坚持民主原则:5.坚持公开原则:6.坚持有效性原则。为了贯彻以上原则,必须遵循一条基本思路,即:以优化党的监督的政治环境为基础,以提高党的监督主客体的监督意识为条件,以加强党的监督制度建设为关键,充分发扬民主监督,全面优化党的监督机制。

【Abstract】 The supervisory mechanism of the CCP (the Chinese Communist Party) is the acting principle and process, in which, the forces inside and outside the CCP supervise, urge and restrict the organizations and leaders of the CCP with the end of preventing and curbing the abuse of power. It is composed of supervisory subject, supervisory object, supervisory content, supervisory form and supervisory punishment. They relate and restrict each other.From the history of supervisory mechanism which has undergone the initial establishment, the zigzag development, the overall destruction of the culture revolution, we can get some lessons: First ,we have to reform the traditional supervisory mechanism of the CCP. Second, we must persist in right direction when we reform it. Third, it is the key for perfect supervision to move forward democratic supervision correctly. Forth, supervision can’t depend on mass movement but on legal system.After affirming the great progress of supervisory mechanism of the CCP since the eighties, the auther points out the defects of the supervisory mechanism, which stems from irrational system, people’s indifferent consiousness of supervision, chaotic structure, paying more attention to resultant supervision, looking down on the supervision of the process, not enough punishment to supervisory object and the lagging of legal system.Lastly, this paper puts forward the basic principles and ways of the CCP. Shown as mainly: the persistence of the Four Basic Principle of the CCP, the principle of indentity, the principle of independence, the principle of democracy, the principle of publicity, the principle of efficiency. We should perfect the supervisory mechanism of the CCP by optimizing political environment, enhancing people’s conciousness of supervision, strengthening the constructure of supervisory system of the CCP.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D262
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】222

