

【作者】 李民锋

【导师】 阳春华;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,由于我国汽车行业的迅猛发展,汽车配套零部件生产厂家为提高产量,大量采用新的生产技术,不断扩大生产能力和提高生产自动化程度。起动机性能自动测试系统就是适应汽车起动机生产厂家的需求而设计开发的。该测试系统已投入实际应用,并取得了良好的效果。 本文根据汽车起动机性能测试要求,开发出由工控机和可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)构成的两级计算机控制的测试系统,实现了起动机开关性能、空载性能、负载性能以及制动性能测试。系统上位机为工控机,负责测试参数设置、数据采集、数据处理、测试监视、测试结果查询、打印以及与下位机PLC通信等功能。PLC负责测试中执行机构的开关逻辑动作控制、判断测试系统工作状态以及与上位机通信,两者通过串行通信接口RS232进行数据通信。针对系统负载性能测试特点,系统采用PID与模糊PID算法分别控制电压回路和力矩回路,取得良好的应用效果。 系统应用软件采用“软件体系结构+组件技术”模式开发,能够提高开发质量,加快开发速度,保证开发的连续性和良好的可维护性。本文根据起动机测试功能要求,提出了具有层次、管道-过滤器风格的软件体系结构,包括初始化、参数设置、数据采集、计算与控制、系统校正、数据监视、数据保存、报表生成和数据库等构件。本文分析了系统软件体系结构各个功能构件,在充分利用已有的商业组件基础上,运用微软COM组件技术对体系中的构件进行抽象和封装形成系统所特需的组件COM组件,并按照系统软件体系结构组装组件。 本文最后总结了论文完成的主要工作,指出该起动机测试系统一些可以改进的地方以及进一步完善的途径。

【Abstract】 With the development of automobile industry in recent years in our country, the manufacturers of automobile parts adopt new technology of production, expand productive capacity and improve production automation to increase production. A starter performance automatic testing system is developed to meet the starter manufacturers’ requirements, which has been running on the production line.To realize the starter performance testing of switch, no load, load and brake, a two-layer computer-controlling testing system is developed, which is based on the testing theory of the automobile starter and composed of the industrial control computer and the programmable logic controller. Moreover, parameter setting, data acquisition, data processing, testing monitoring, testing result query, marking and communication with the PLC by the serial communication interface (RS232) are charged by the industry control compute; and the PLC controls the logic switch, judges the working state in the testing execution and communicates with the industry control compute. Aiming at the character of the load performance testing, PID and fuzzy PID in the system are applied to control voltage and torque.About the application software model, software architecture and component technology are adopted to increase developing quality and speed, and to insure developing continuity and good maintainability. Moreover, according to the starter function demand, the paper puts forward the software architecture, with the layered software architecture style and pipe-filter software architecture style, including initialization, parameter setting, data sampling, calculating and controlling, system calibration, data monitoring, data saving, report generation and database. Furthermore, after analyzing the functional modules and making full use of the existed components, the paper applies Microsoft COM component technology to abstraction and capsulation, and assembles the system by components according to software architecture.The mostly accomplished tasks are finally summarized in the paper, some improvable aspects are put forwards and further research toimprove the system are presented.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】U464
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】271

