

【作者】 刘丽

【导师】 方春子;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 房地产业是国民经济的支柱产业,它的快速发展不仅改善了长期以来我国居民住房困难的现状,而且还带动了一大批相关产业的发展。但在它的快速发展为世人瞩目的同时,它的粗放式开发模式所带来的环境问题也日益凸显。在环保观念深入人心的情势下,房地产业开始寻求可持续的发展模式,房地产生态主题应运而生,并促使着房地产传统经营理念向生态经营理念的转变。经营理念的更新要求新的营销模式与之配套,绿色营销必将取代传统营销模式而成为房地产企业新的经营哲学。在房地产绿色营销理论研究匮乏的情况下,本文尝试性地提出了房地产绿色营销的命题,并采用定性与定量相结合的方法,先从它与中国传统民居的生态观、城市生态经济观、房地产可持续发展观三者关系的角度论证了它在理论上的合理性,从绿色建材的发展、生态建筑技术的成熟、绿色住宅市场的需求潜力大以及政府力量支持四个方面论述了它在现实中的可行性,然后在此基础上进一步提出了房地产绿色营销的具体策略,并设计了一套绩效评价的指标体系,结合模糊综合评判方法来对房地产绿色营销的绩效进行衡量。

【Abstract】 As one of the pillar sectors in the national economy, the real estate industry has achieved a rapid development in the last more than ten years. As a result, the problem of housing shortage that has harassed the Chinese people for so many years is finally resolved, and many other sectors that are closely interlinked with the real estate industry have also been carried forward a lot. However, while its achievement is getting more and more attention, the negative influence it has exerted on the environment is at the same time placed at the focus. As the idea of environment protection is widely spread, the real estate industry is beginning to seek a sustainable development mode, and the ecological keynote comes into being, which requires the traditional management ideology be modified into a ecology-oriented one. Therefore, it’s necessary that the traditional marketing pattern be replaced with the green marketing pattern. In the background where studies on the green marketing of real estate are scarce, this article puts forward the topic as the first try, and analyses its theoretical source and foundation in the terms of its relationship with the ecological spirit embodied in Chinese folk buildings, the urban ecological-economic theory and the sustainable development theory of the real estate industry; and goes on with the feasibility study by analyzing such four important factors as the development of green building material, the maturity of ecological constructing technology, the potential demand for the green housing and the governmental support. Afterward specific measures of carrying out green marketing in real estate industry are provided, followed by a set of index system and a assessment method for checking the performance of the whole green marketing program.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1296

