

【作者】 严宁

【导师】 黄伯灵;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中医骨伤科, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 保守疗法治疗柯力氏骨折,手法整复,以可塑性磁疗夹板和普通夹板两种不同器材固定骨折,比较两种夹板固定治疗的疗效。本文分文献研究与临床研究两部分。 文献研究:回顾中医夹板的历史,简单评价当代夹板治疗的新发展。系统学习电磁技术促进骨折愈合的实验研究与临床研究。探讨电磁场影响骨折愈合的机理。提出将磁疗与夹板结合治疗柯力氏骨折可能是一种更好的方法。 临床研究:目的:比较两种夹板治疗柯力氏骨折的疗效。方法:24例柯力氏骨折患者分为两组,处理组13例,对照组11例。均以手法复位,用两种不同的夹板固定。10天后观察两组肿胀及疼痛消退情况。四周后摄片观察骨折愈合情况,比较两组治疗良好率与优秀率。结果:磁疗夹板组消肿效果优于对照组,止痛效果两组无差异。骨折愈合两组良好率无显著差异,优秀率经统计处理有显著差异。

【Abstract】 Objective:To explore the action of flexible magnetic splint in the treatment of Colles fracture .Methods:24 subjects were randomized into 2groups, 13subjects in flexible magnetic splint group and llsubjects in common splint group, with a course of 4 weeks .TakeX-ray radiograph of each cases. Classify the callusquality into 4 grades. Compare one group with the other in callus quality , degree of swelling reduse and level of pain.Result:The excellent rate and good rate of callus quality were 69.2%, 92. 3% in flexible magnetic splint group and 27. 3%, 81. 8% in common splint group. Comparing to the later , the former has significantly high level of fracture healing. And the former has higher degree of swelling reduce than the later,but 2groups have no difference in level of pain.

  • 【分类号】R274.9
  • 【下载频次】54

