

【作者】 杨志新

【导师】 钱士明;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以中医基础理论为指导,结合西医学认识,提出了心房颤动的中医学病机新观点,认为心气亏虚、心阳亏虚心失所养是本病的发病前提和基础,而痰淤阻络、心脉不畅是本病的病机关键。并据此提出了益气温阳,祛淤化痰通络的基本治疗大法。心安宁滴鼻剂是导师钱士明教授的经验有效处方,蕴涵了这一病机治法思想。通过初步的临床试验研究,发现心安宁滴鼻剂治疗持续性房颤起效迅速、疗效显著,配合西药治疗组心电图改善有效率达90.48%临床症状改善有效率达95.2%明显由于对照组,初步推断心安宁滴鼻剂具有改善心肌供血和心肌细胞的电稳定性;类β—肾上腺素能受体阻滞样作用,减慢心率,降低血压,降低心肌耗氧量;抗血小板聚集;调脂、抗炎等作用。结果表明心安宁滴鼻剂是防治持续性房颤的一种新型速效制剂,值得进一步研究以推广应用于临床。

【Abstract】 According to TCM theory and western medicine research , we creatively put forward a new viewpoint on the pathogenesis of Atrail Fibrillation (AF), that cardiacqi-deficiency and cardiacyang-deficiency leading to failure to nourish the heart is the basis pathogenesis , and that blood stasis ,phlegm-deposited which obstruct cardiac meridians is the principal one .So we establish the therapeutic principle , to invigorating qi warming yang and remove blood stasis , remove phlegm to promoting blood circulation.Xinanning naristillae is a practically effective formulator which is established on the light of the pathogenesis . The clinical trail studies were carried on preliminarily and the results indicate that its clinical action rises rapidly and effectively .The effective rate of therapeutic group reach 90.48%,while the improvement of symptom reach 95.2%.So we conclude that it can, restore myocardial blood supply ,enhance the electrical stablitiy of cardialcell, have the effect which like # -recepter blocker decrease heart rate ,lower blood pressure ,reduce oxygen exhaust in myocardial,depress aggregation and activation of platelets , eliminate inflammation , prevent atherosclerosis , et al when compared to the control group .All these studies show that Xinanning naristillae, a new fast effective preparation for prevention and treatment of AF, deserves further research for clinical using .

  • 【分类号】R259.4
  • 【下载频次】78

