

【作者】 孔茜

【导师】 徐恒泽; 李嘉;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 针灸学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的研究内容分为两部分,一部分是文献综述,一部分是临床研究。文献综述部分,又分古代文献综述与现代文献综述两部分。 本研究将临床60例肩周炎患者分为温针组和针刺组,通过对两组病例治疗前后的肩关节运动功能、疼痛评定、肩关节活动度以及临床疗效的观察,以对温针治疗肩周炎的临床疗效作出客观的评价。 研究表明,不论是温针还是单纯针刺治疗肩周炎,均能获得满意疗效。但在同样取穴和疗程情况下,则温针组的疗程明显优于单纯针刺组,其总有效率比较有显著性差异;且症状减轻所需时间亦明显较单纯针刺组短;在病例的治愈率方面亦明显优于单纯针刺组,其治愈率比较有非常显著性差异。同时,在缓解肩周炎疼痛、改善肩周炎患者肩关节的运动功能以及肩关节的活动度方面,温针组也明显优于单纯针刺组。

【Abstract】 The research contents of this paper can be divided into two parts One is the summarize of literatures, the other is clinical study. The first one includes the summarize of ancient and recent literatures.In this research project, 60 scapulohumeral periarthritis patients were divided into 2 groups: thermoacupuncture group and acupuncture group. The clinical therapeutic efficacy of thermoacupuncture to scapulohumeral periarthritis was evaluated by the motor function and mobility of shoulder joints, ache rating, and observation of curative efficacy in clinical trials compared by acupuncture group.Results of the research showed that not only thermoacupuncture but also acupuncture can get satisfactory therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis. But in the same acupuncture points and period of treatment, the therapeutic efficacy of therme acupuncture was obviously better than acupuncture. It was statistical different between the 2 group in total effective rates, the time of symptom relief and clinical cure rates. And also, the efficacy of thermo acupuncture to relieve the ache of scapulohumeral periarthritis and improve the motor function and mobility of shoulder joints was obviously better than the one of acupuncture.

  • 【分类号】R246
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】394

