

Study on Desertification Trend of Land and Influencing Factors of Farming-shepherd Area in North China

【作者】 李金霞

【导师】 包玉海;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 人文地理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着生态环境的日益恶化,土地荒漠化研究已经引起全球的广泛关注。研究土地荒漠化动态变化规律和影响因子能够促使人类及时调整开发利用土地的方式和强度。北方农牧交错带生态环境具有明显的过渡性质,对全球气候波动和不合理的人类活动反应非常敏感,因此也是我国荒漠化扩展最快、危害最严重的地区之一。内蒙古自治区扎鲁特旗地处内蒙古东南端,是我国北方农牧交错带的典型区域,也是季风气候的尾闾区、阶梯地形连接带和荒漠化土地的前沿。扎鲁特旗生态环境的变化对我国更大范围的生态环境演变具有警示作用,因此利用遥感和GIS空间信息技术研究扎鲁特旗荒漠化动态规律具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。 本文以80年代末和2000年TM遥感影像为基本信息源,借助于GIS空间信息技术手段研究了扎鲁特旗荒漠化动态变化,分析了土地荒漠化动态变化的影响因子。研究表明:在研究期内扎鲁特旗荒漠化态势是整体恶化、局部有所改善。从总体上来看,扩展速度从南向北增大;从荒漠化类型来看,水蚀荒漠化扩展最快,其次是盐渍化,最后是沙质荒漠化;从荒漠化程度来看,有逐渐恶化的趋势,发生逆转的主要是轻度荒漠化土地。 通过分析发现,影响扎鲁特旗荒漠化扩展的根本因子是人口发展太快造成的土地压力过大、过度垦殖和超载过牧等不合理开发利用土地的行为,气候因素仅仅是影响土地荒漠化的次要因子,但同时也不能忽视管理因子的作用。 为了有效遏止该旗土地荒漠化的发展,最后提出了防治土地荒漠化的一些对策。

【Abstract】 Along with the change of the ecological atmosphere, the study on desertification of land has been paid close attention. To study the changing regular and influencing factors can make the mankind adjust ways and level of developing and using land in time. The ecological atmosphere of the farming-shepherd area has obvious interim characters. It is very sensitive to the fluctuating of the whole world climate and unsuitable activities. So it is the most serious area in expanding of desolate and boundless. Zha Lu Te is located in south-east of Inner Mongolia. It is a typical area of crossing belt of farming-shepherd, and it is also the tail of monsoon climate, joining belt of topography and the forward of desert. The change in ecological atmosphere of this area is a warning to ecological atmosphere of China .So this study on desertification of land of Zha Lu Te Banner has the significance on theory and practice.In this paper, taking the TM image from the end of 1980s and 2000 as data sources and using CIS technique, we have researched the Desertification of Land and analyze the influencing factors .As a result, the research show that desolate and boundless fields have been expanding during the times as a whole, and have been easing in some parts. From regions, the expanding speed is growing from south to north. Among these types, the first is the fields of eroded by water, secondary is salinization and last is desolate and boundless of sands. In addition, the degree of Desertification of Land has intensified, and the fields damaged lightly were reversed types.It has found by analysis, the reasons are the pressure of land and cultivate and animal husbandary caused by population increase quickly. Theclimate only is a secondary factor. But at the same time, we can not ignore the effect of administrative factor.In order to prevent the expanding of desolate and boundless fields, put forward some countermeasures against Desertification of Land.

  • 【分类号】X171
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】239

