

Progressive Class Teaching and Its Implementary Strategies

【作者】 王玉芬

【导师】 扎巴;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 课堂教学是实施素质教育的主渠道。课堂教学的质量与效果直接影响到教学目标的实现。然而,审视当今课堂教学的现状就会发现,现行的课堂教学离素质教育的终极目标尚有一定的距离,究其根本原因在于教学理念的滞后。因此,对现行课堂教学中存在的弊端进行剖析,对发展性课堂教学进行理论研究,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。 本文以马克思主义关于人的发展理论为基础,广泛吸收建构主义、人文主义、多元智力理论、后现代主义的合理思想,根据时代要求,赋予了“发展观”以新的内涵:即发展性课堂教学,强调发展是全面的、综合的、可持续的,在教学的目标观、师生观、互动观、合作观、评价观、价值观几方面树立新的教育理念。 把握发展性课堂教学的特征是实施发展性课堂教学的前提条件。与传统课堂教学相比较,发展性课堂教学具有以下特征:1.教学的主体性及生命价值性,强调师生的双主体性,认为课堂教学是体现师生生命价值的过程;2.知识的生成性与目标的发展性,强调动态的知识观和教学目标的发展性,把人的创造意识和创造能力诱导出来;3.教学过程的开放性与社会性,课堂教学要在更大的空间、更弹性化的氛围中展示学生的个性,同时也重视学生的社会化过程;4.教学的交往性及合作性,教学关系不仅仅是授受关系,更是一种交往关系,合作关系。 依据发展性课堂教学特征,本文提出了以下五个实施策略,即:主体参与策略,师生互动策略,环境激发策略,自主学习策略,激励赏识策略。

【Abstract】 Class teaching is the main channel to cany out quality education. The quality and effect of class teaching has a direct influence on the realization of teaching aims. However, looking closely at the present situation of class teaching, you will find there is still a long way from the ultimate aims of quality education. The root cause is the backward teaching thoughts. Therefore, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to analyse the malady existing in the present class teaching and make a theoretical study of progressive class teaching.This article, based on Marxism theory about human’s development, widely absorbs the reasonable thoughts of constructionism, humanism, pluralistic intelligence theory and post-modernism and gives development outlook a new connotation in accordance with the changing time. That is progressive class teaching, which emphasizes that the development is all-round comprehensive and continuable and a new education outlook should be established on the several aspects such as the outlook on aim, teacher and student, interaction, cooperation, appraisal and axiology.The command of its peculiarities of progressive class teaching is the precondition to put it into effect. Compared with the traditional one,progressive class teaching has the following features: I. The principal nature of teaching and the importance of life value. It lays stress on the interaction between teacher and student and considers class teaching as a process of embodying the life value of teaching and student. II. The formation of knowledge and the constant development of aim. It lays stress on the dynamic outlook on knowledge and the progress of teaching alms and stimulates people’s creative awareness and ability. III. The opening and socialization in teaching process. Class teaching should, in more spacious room and more flexible atmosphere, display students’ characteristics and pay more attention to the process of socialized students as well. IV. Teaching’s communication and cooperation. The teaching relationship is not only a grant-and-receive one, but a communicative and cooperative one.According to the features of progressive class teaching, this article puts forward to the following five implementary strategies: principal part involved strategy, teacher-student interaction strategy, environment-stimulating strategy, voluntary study strategy and stimulate-and-appreciate strategy.

  • 【分类号】G424.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】380

