

Sentimental Education and Its Implement Strategies in Teaching

【作者】 敖敦

【导师】 扎巴;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 情感教育在大力提倡素质教育的今天已成为教育理论和实践所关注的“热点”话题之一。情感教育是教育过程的一部分,它关注教育过程中学生的态度、情绪、情感以及信念,还有对学生自尊、个人发展和社会发展的关注,以促进学生个体的和谐发展和整个社会的健康发展。(朱小蔓)简言之,情感教育“不仅仅是以情感来促进教育,更强调要教育情感本身,情绪感受自身就是要教育的内容。”所以,情感教育就是在各种教育活动中,有效的激活并利用师生的积极情感,从而使学生感受各种情绪情感,并体验到愉快的教育;不仅要注意教育过程,如学生之间的关系、师生之间的关系、课堂教学的气氛和学校教育气氛,也要注重教育结果,如学生的技能、倾向和行为。这种情感教育具有创造性、灵活性、兴趣性的特征。 情感教育的功能体现在教学中,它有助于形成学生健全的人格;可以影响和调节认知过程;可以维护和提高学生身心健康水平。因而在教学中实施情感教育对培养全面和谐发展的新一代起着举足轻重的作用。在讨论实施情感教育的策略之前,对教学中的情感因素作以系统性分析。从静态角度分析,教学中的各个要素都有丰富的情感;从动态角度分析,当教师和学生在教学目的的指引下围绕着教材内容展开教学活动的时候,这些情感因素便在教学情境中被激活,并以情感信息的形式在师生间流动,从而形成教学中情感交流的动态网络。 对教学中情感因素进行分析的基础上提出实施策略,根据施教者在教育中的主导地位,实施情感教育的策略也是从施教者的角度以宏观、微观两方面提出的。在宏观上:1、明确教学目的,转变教育观念,调整教学评价方案。实施情感教育的关键是转变观念,只有改变以往以分数作为唯一标准的评价方案,才能有望使学生在各方面得到全面和谐发展;2、在教学中加强心理教育与咨询,关注学生中存在的普遍厌学问题,注重学生的自身和谐发展;3、在教学中创设良好的教学环境,使学生在和谐、融洽、信任的心理环境中愉快地学习;4、充分发挥音、体、美教育的独特功能。就微观方面讲,实施策略要求教师做到四点:1.在教学中调整好自身的情绪状态;2.在教学中充分展示教材的情感因素;3.在教学中爱护学生的自尊心和自信心;4.在教学活动中注意教学手段上的艺术性等。

【Abstract】 Emotion Education is one of the hot topics nowadays when Quality Education is performed. Emotion education is a part of the whole education it emphasis. It concerns about the attitude, emotion, mood and belief of students in education process and it put an emphasis on the students’ self-esteem, their development and social development so as to make students and society develop harmoniously. In brief, emotion education is the education that can make students feel comfortable, it has some characteristic, such as creativity, mobility and interest and so on.In school the application of emotion education is helpful to form the healthy individuality; can influence and justify the cognitive process; can protect and enhance students health. Therefore in the teaching process, the application of emotion education plays a very important role in training properly developing generation before discussing the application of emotional education; we first discuss the element of emotion education. From the still view, the emotion element in teaching hide in thee elements of teaching that is teacher students, teaching materials; from dignities view, when teacher and students are in fearing activities, these emotional elements was Made alive thin float al emotional information between teachers and students, thus form a digital network of emotion communication in teaching.On the basis of analyzing the emotional elements in teaching, the author puts forward the application strategy Because the educator plays an dominant pat in teaching the application strategy is put forward from the educators point of view that is; transform teaching idea, justify evaluation project, strengthen psychology education and consultant create proper inter-personnel environment.

【关键词】 情感情感教育教学实施策略
【Key words】 emotionemotional educationteachingstrategies
  • 【分类号】G441
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1542

