

Researches on Improving the Real Result of Moral Education of Vacational High School

【作者】 王英武

【导师】 阿明布和;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 德育对智育、体育、美育及劳动技术教育具有导向、动力和保证作用,不断提高德育工作实效性是德育工作的重点所在,对此本文着重从以下几个方面进行了论述:1、要增强德育工作的实效性,德育工作者的观念必须与时俱进。2、在师德建设上,既要严格要求教师又要重视教师自身的成功和个人价值的实现,创造一个能让广大教师在奉献中成就自我的良好工作环境。提高教师的精神生活和物质生活就是在提高教育教学的水平和质量。3、重视并充分发挥互联网在当今德育工作中的重要作用。4、结合学生的实际,以活动为载体进行德育教育,强调学生在德育实践中养成德性。5、充分利用学校、家庭和社会相结合的德育网络教育功能,齐抓共管,形成合力,共同完成育人工作。6、加强校园文化建设,充分发挥校园软环境在增强德育工作实效性中的潜移默化作用。 结论:在不断加强和改进德育工作实效性的过程中,呼市二职的校风校纪发生了很大的变化,教育教学质量稳步提高,现已成为大家心目中理想的职业学校。

【Abstract】 Moral education is basic to intellectual education, physical education, art education and labor education, its difficulty is how to improve its real result, this paper will discuss how to improve its real result as follows:1, We should have the latest moral idea if we want to improve the real result of moral education.2, We strictly request our teachers, at the same time, we must pay more attention to the success of themselves, we should construct a good work environment for them.3, To emphasize the importance of INTERNET’S function in the course of moral education.4, According to the students’ realities, train students good habits of moral education by media of all kinds of activities.5, We teach our students by taking advantage of a net of moral education which is made up of families, societies and schools.6, To bring into play the function of soft environment of campus to enhance the real result of moral education.CONCLUSION: Huhehot No.2 Vocational High School’s educationquantity has made great progress since it begins to enhance and improve the real result of moral education. Nowadays, it has been regarded as an ideal Vocational High School by many people in the city.

【关键词】 提高德育工作实效性研究
【Key words】 improvethe real result of moral educationresearches
  • 【分类号】G711
  • 【下载频次】186

