

On Humanism in Modern Chinese Teaching

【作者】 王亚东

【导师】 余家骥;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪初,语文单独设科以来,现代语文教育一直处于“义理本位”和“语言本位”两种教育观的束缚中,教与学的主体作为“人”的个性特点被逐步抹杀,师生被迫处于工具的地位——是教的工具和学的工具。语文教育不把人当人,师生长期被迫处于“物”的状态,致使学习行为严重异化,正常的生命活动无法进行,只能被动地接受,根本无法实现对学生人文精神的培养和创造力的培植,使语文教育陷入“少、慢、差、费”的怪圈中难以自拔。因此,现代语文教育要想彻底走出传统教育的误区,就必须“以人为本”,把师生从物的状态下彻底解放出来,把主要精力放在唤醒学生人性的复苏上,把人当人,让人像人,充分发挥教者和学者的个性、自主性和积极性,使语文教师能够愉快地教、创造性地教,使学生在自由、活泼、轻松、愉快的氛围中积极探索,主动发现,能质疑,敢质疑,有独立的思考和个性的表达,以促进学生个性的张扬和全面发展。 基于上述的认识,本文拟从社会现代化进程对现代语文教育的“人本”需要入手,通过对现代语文教育历史积弊的剖析,阐明现代语文人本教育的理论依据、现实意义与实施方略。

【Abstract】 Since Chinese was offered as an independent subject in the early 20th century, Chinese teaching has been fettered by the idea of "serving language and sense ". Teachers and students’ personality was gradually obliterated, they were not considered as human but as machines - machines for teaching and learning. As a result, students’ learning be heavier was distorted and their normal activities could not be carried on. What they could do was to input knowledge passively. And it was impossible to foster students’ sense of humanism and creativity. Chinese was taught in a slow, poor and strenuous way. Therefore, if we hope to break away from the traditional idea, we must form the idea of "serving people" and attach great importance to the recovery of students’ human feeling. They should not be regarded as machines, so let them be human beings. Meanwhile, we should give full play to teachers and students’ personality independence and enthusiasm. Chinese teachers should be made to teach happily and creatively and students to learn in a free, lively, relaxed and cheerful atmosphere and to quest on their own initiative. Students should be able to and dare to raise questions, think independently and express their ideas individually. It will be of treat help in developing their personality and other aspects.Based on the above understanding, this article starts with the need of humanism in modern Chinese teaching in the process of the modernization of the society and clears up the theory basis, practical significance and enforcement plans through the analysis of malpractice of Chinese teaching in the past.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【下载频次】156

