

The Analysis of Multinational Management Strategies in the Field of Communication Manufacturing

【作者】 张朝晖

【导师】 刘跃斌;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国已正式加入了WTO,国家对企业的保护即将结束,全面开放迫在眉睫,我国企业即将在家门口面对国际大型跨国公司的直接竞争。我们应该如何应对,更主要的是如何利用短短的全面放开的过渡阶段壮大我们的企业,同时我们的企业如何利用WTO游戏规则,扩大我们的规模,是所有国内企业所必须面对和解决的问题。 本文主要想从几个方面出发,对国内通信制造企业如何实行跨国经营提出参考建议。首先,通过对目前经济全球化的现状分析,使我们的企业明白实行跨国经营的必然性和必要性,企业实行跨国经营是不可避免的。其次,我们从理论的角度,分析跨国经营战略应从我国国情及企业现状出发,制定符合我国企业发展现状的合适的跨国经营战略。为保证我国企业更好地融入到经济全球化中去,我们的政府也应制定相应的政策法规,在WTO的框架内,制定有利于我国企业发展的游戏规则。 根据这些理论分析,本文重点分析了通信制造中的领头企业——华为技术有限公司在进行跨国经营的一些经验与教训,并且分析了外国跨国企业进行跨国经营的一些经验,希望我国其他企业从中得到一些启示。 最后,专门就WTO后我国通信制造企业如何融入到世界经济一体化中去做了简单分析,一方面可以了解经济全球化的一些最新变化,另外可以使我们的企业有的放矢,制定相应的策略。

【Abstract】 China has joined WTO, whereupon protection policies towards national enterprises will be ended and overall opening is approaching, with the result that all the enterprises of our country are directly faced with multinational competitions. So the problems of how to strengthen and enlarge national enterprises and how to avail ourselves of play rules of WTO are what we must faced with during the short transition period of overall opening.The article mainly sets out from several aspects, bringing forward references on how to practice multinational management.Firstly, through actual analysis of economic globalization, enterprises must understand the necessity, essentiality and unavoidability of practicing multinational management.Secondly, from theoretical point, multinational management strategies must be set in true of national situation and enterprise reality. Meanwhile our government should also make corresponding policies and play rules within the range of WTO to be in favor of enterprises’ development and guarantee its harmonization with economic globalization.On the basis of theoretical analysis, the article mainly analyzes the experiences and lessons of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. - one of the leading enterprises in the field of communication manufacturing, and those of some other foreign multinational enterprises. We expect that other national enterprises get inspiration from them.Lastly, simple analysis of communication manufacturing enterprises on how to participate in economic globalization is specially made to learn the latest changes in it, besides, to enable national enterprises to have a definite object in view, therefore to make corresponding strategies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F276.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】290

