

Study on Delivery and Pick-up Vehicle Routing Problems in Logistics Distribution

【作者】 荆海霞

【导师】 邹辉霞;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,物流配送作为“第三方利润的源泉”受到国内各行业的极大重视并得到了较大发展,大量规模较大的生产企业、商业企业纷纷建立起配送中心向商品流通的高效率化发起挑战,与此同时,相当部分的大型运输、仓储和航运企业也开始朝向第三方物流经营。物流配送开始在我国迅速兴起。如何在提高物流配送效率的同时降低成本成为一个重要的研究课题,运输作为物流配送中的重要环节,首当其冲成为节约成本的对象。 此外,物流企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,必须具备自己的核心竞争力。物流配送是物流中一个重要的、直接与消费者相连的环节,而配送系统中车辆路径优化,是竞争力的直接表现。 本文共分为五章。前两章内容是为问题的研究与解决作铺垫。第三章和第四章是本文的重点,也是创新点的聚集之处。第一章从概念的角度阐述了物流配送的产生和发展以及物流配送系统的需求,并由此引申出物流配送系统中运输路径优化问题。第二章从理论的角度讲述物流配送系统中双向运输路径优化算法,并对引起双向运输的逆向物流进行了分类和系统论述。第三章以物流配送中运输信息化为线索,分析了运输优化系统的构成、功能以及其在物流配送系统中的位置,并对与运输系统相关的数据库进行设计——基本数据的结构设计和电子地图数据库的设计。针对中小企业实现信息化成本高的现实,本文还提出了采用ASP优化车辆路径的建议。第四章以物流配送系统双向运输路径优化模型构建为目标,首先用双向运输路径优化问题混合整数模型来更进一步分析DPVRPTW,接下来将C—W节约法进行了改进,使其更适合于解决带时间窗双向运输问题。第五章进行了模型的验证,利用案例来说明和验证算法的可行性。 由于双向运输路径优化问题属于复杂问题,所以在此文中选择节约法,并对该方法进行了改进使得其可以快速地解决双向运输且具有时间窗约束的路径优化问题。 针对物流配送发展和计算机运输优化系统面临着的巨大应用前景,本文提出开发计算机运输优化系统的设想。根据实际物流配送业务中可能存在的多种约束,进行了灵活的优化处理,介绍了该系统中主要的模块功能及其实现方法。

【Abstract】 In recent years, logistics, taken as "the third profit resource", has been taken seriously and been developing rapidly. Lots of physical distribution centers are established to improve the efficiency of goods flow by large factories and commercial firms. Meanwhile, considerable sum of transportation corporations, storage enterprises and shipping companies are taking on business of third party logistics. The distribution business is now flourishing in my country. How to low distribution cost is concerned. Transportation is the key part of the logistics distribution, so decline of transportation cost is focused on.Furthermore, to remain invincible in the intense market competition, logistics enterprises are supposed to have their own core strengths and competitiveness. VRP is a crucial and direct link with customs in the entire logistics, whereas, the optimization of vehicle planning of the distribution system is a key segment of the whole optimization system, which directly reflects the nucleus competitiveness of the enterprisesThis dissertation consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 are taken as matting for the next chapters, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 is the key parts and the novelty points. Chapter 5 is about the validation of module.Chapter 1 analyzes the coming into being and developing of logistics distribution and the demand of logistics distribution system in terms of concepts, and introduces VRP. In terms of theories, chapter 2 presents the arithmetic of DPVRP. Then it detailedly classifies and tells reverse logistics that causes DPVRP. Chapter 3 uses transportation informationizing as a clue, explains the structure and functions of the system, formulates the design of database, which includes the basic data structure and electronic map database. At the goal of building module chapter 4 firstly introduces the mixed-integer module to show DPVRPTW, secondly improves C-W saving metricmethod to solve DPVRPTW. Chapter 5 makes use of real cases to validate arithmetic above.Delivery and pick-up vehicle routing problem is complex so we choose saving matrix method ,and improve on it to make sure that we can quickly search the solution of DPVRP with time window.Because of development of logistics distribution and prospect of computer-aided transportation optimization system application, this dissertation gives an assumption to design computer-aided transportation optimization system. And according to some restrictions that maybe occur during real operation of logistics distribution, the author deals with the problem flexibly, and explains the main modules.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F250
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】2523

