

A Study of Some Legal Issues on Regional Investment Rules

【作者】 郭鸣

【导师】 张庆麟;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 国际经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 区域经济一体化是当今世界经济发展的一大显著特点,区域经济一体化推动了区域经济组织的蓬勃发展。投资领域的合作与法律安排在区域经济组织里也开始逐渐发展与完善起来。区域投资规则日益成为国际投资规则的重要组成部分。晚近,区域投资规则在投资准入、投资待遇、投资保护、投资争议解决等方面出现了新的发展变化,这些发展变化的原因、表现、特点及其影响无疑是值得我们广泛关注和深入研究的问题。并且,区域投资规则的晚近发展不可否认代表了国际投资法制的最新发展趋势,它定会对未来多边投资统一立法产生影响。分析这些规则及其本质、可能产生的影响,并及时制定科学的对策是十分必要的。中国等发展中国家应该有效参与区域领域的投资规则的制定,积极推动区域投资合作,为在多边层面上的投资合作安排赢得主动。 针对以上问题,本文分为三章作出了较为详尽的论述: 第一章内容为区域经济一体化与区域投资规则的概述。本章着重介绍了欧盟、北美自由贸易区和亚太经合组织三大区域国际经济组织。接着对现有的区域投资规则进行了分类和简要介绍。 第二章是本文的重点所在。本章依次从投资准入、投资待遇、投资保护、投资争议解决四个投资领域的核心问题角度对几个有代表性的区域投资规则进行了剖析,对比其发展规律和特点,把握其本质。晚近区域投资规则的整个发展特点得到了总结和概括。国际投资多边统一立法是缺失的,区域投资规则的晚近发展对多边投资立法的影响是多方面的。接下来,本章对此影响具体作出了的分析和探讨。 第三章对中国在区域投资规则形成过程中应采取的策略进行了研究。本章指出中国并没有参与具有实质意义的区域投资合作,中国应该积极利用亚太经合组织和中国—东盟自由贸易区这两个区域经济组织推动区域投资规则的形成,将未来可能在多边层面提出的投资规则首先在区域层面进行尝试,为自己也为别国留下进退的余地,积极影响未来多边投资规则的走向。

【Abstract】 Regional economic integration is one of the prominent characteristics of the world’s economic development today. Regional economic integration promotes the drastic development of regional economic organizations. Cooperation and arrangements in law in the fields of investment begin to improve gradually in regional economic organizations. Regional investment rules are increasingly becoming an important part of international investment rules. Recently some new changes have appeared in many aspects of regional investment rules such as in the aspects of investment access, investment treatment, investment protection, and investment disputes settlement. The cause, manifestation, characteristic and influence of the new changes are great issues to be researched. The new changes of regional investment rules represent the trend of development of international investment rules. It will influence the multilateral uniform investment legislation in the future. It is necessary to analyze the essence of regional investment rules, foresee the influence and set down scientific countermeasures in time. Developing countries especially China should participate in the establishment of regional investment rules effectively and promote the regional investment cooperation actively, which will help them have the initiative in multilateral investment cooperation.The article consists of three chapters and is organized as follows:Chapter one is an introduction of regional economic integration and regional investment rules. It focuses on three regional economic organizations: EU, NAFTA and APEC. It also classifies regional investment rules and gives a brief introduction about these rules.Chapter two is the main part of this article. It analyzes some representative regional investment rules comparatively in four core issues: investment access, investment treatment, investment protection, and investment disputes settlement. It helps us to grasp their essence. The characteristics of regional investment rules havebeen summarized in this chapter. Since there is no multilateral uniform investment rule in the world now and it will be influenced by regional investment rules in many aspects, this chapter concentrates on the influences in the following parts.Chapter three discusses the strategies China should take in the establishment of regional investment rules. China has not participated in any virtual regional investment cooperation. China should make use of APEC and China-ASEAN Free Trade Area to impulse the establishment of regional investment rules. The investment rules that will be brought forward under the multilateral framework can be experimented in regional area firstly. It will help to influence the development of multilateral investment rules positively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】432

