

Researches on the Bank Insolvency Legal System

【作者】 郑莹

【导师】 汪鑫;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 商业银行因经营失败而破产,是市场经济竞争机制下的必然结果,在市场经济发达国家较为常见,亦有妥善而有效的破产法律制度。我国计划经济体制下银行的垄断经营,使金融资源长期处于严重的短缺状态,银行业成为最受保护的行业,根本无退出之虞。随着银行业改革和开放的逐步深入,我国也出现了一些问题严重、濒临破产倒闭的商业银行。而我国目前尚无一套系统的、操作性强的处理商业银行的法律程序及法律制度。因此,对市场经济条件下商业银行破产问题的研究迫在眉睫。 本文首先对商业银行破产的法律含义进行了界定,分析了商业银行破产的可能性与建立商业银行破产法律制度的必要性。商业银行破产法律制度的特殊首先在于其价值体系:秩序是第一层级的价值诉求,公平和效率在第二价值层级上实现契合。在商业银行破产的法律适用问题上,有二种不同的情形,即适用专门的商业银行破产法;或法律适用上未对商业银行破产以区别对待,适用一般的破产法。 在对国外破产法律制度的借鉴上,主要介绍了英国和日本的商业银行破产法律制度,英国的商业银行破产法律制度较为成熟,而日本虽然努力建立有效的商业银行破产法律体系,但因各种原因而成效未彰。 对于问题商业银行的处理,除了破产之外,还有其它方式,如拯救或其它的退出方式。在这个问题商业银行的处理方式中,破产法律制度与其它制度的联系、区别、取舍如何,本文作了初步的分析。其中运用比较、经济分析方法重点分析了拯救与破产的联系。 对于商业银行破产的具体制度上,本文主要选取了商业银行破产与普通企业的不同之处进行分析与论述。商业银行破产过程中的复杂性与专业性需要银行监管机构的介入,但介入过多,同样会阻滞商业银行的破产进程,如何解决商业银行破产中行政权与司法权的冲突也应是商业银行破产法律制度需要研究的课题。 我国破产法律体系还不够完善,商业银行破产的法律制度问题当然就显得更加突出和棘手。最后,本文对商业银行破产的立法提出了一些建议。以期为具体法律制度的构建献微薄之力。至于具体法律制度的建立还需要经济学家和法学家们进行进一步的理论探讨和实证研究。

【Abstract】 Under marketable competition, it is an inevitable outcome for financial institutions to withdraw from market because of operation failures. This also commonly happens in developed countries and there already have been proper and effective withdrawing mechanism in them. But up to now, there’s not yet a set of systematical and operative legal procedures to deal with financial institutions withdrawing from the market in our country. Under the market economy circumstances it becomes fairly urgent to study this theme.This text define to commercial bank bankrupt legal meaning at first, analyze possibility that commercial bank go bankrupt and necessity of set up bank insolvency legal system. The special ness of bank insolvency legal framework first lies in its value system: Order is on the first level, Justice and Efficiency should be realized on the second. On the application of the bank insolvency law, there are two different types: banks are applicable to the special bank insolvency law; or banks are applicable to the general bankruptcy law, just as the all the other companies.As reference, the author of this thesis introduces bank insolvency law of United kingdom and Japan’s; bank insolvency law in United kingdom seems more efficient, whereas, bank insolvency legal framework that Japan government take great efforts to build, for some reason, seems not so workable.To the resolve of the problem bank, besides going bankrupt, there are also other measures, such as saving or withdrawal from market. What’s the relation between going bankrupt and other ways, their differences; how to make choices when a bank is going bankrupt? The author of this thesis has made a preliminary analysis using the methods of comparative analyses, economic analyses emphatically analyze the relation between rescues and bankrupt.Bank insolvency legal system, in some aspect, is differing from that of all the other commercial companies; which should be paid great attention. It can be very complexity and professional when a bank going bankrupt, which needs the involvement of regulator, but too much involvement will block the bankrupt process, therefore, the conflict of executive power and judicial power should be the subject to solve.The bankrupt legal system of our country is not so perfect, legal system of bank bankrupt thus should be thornier. Finally, the author of this thesis put forward some suggestions. Hoping this thesis can be of some constructive, further research of economist and jurist are still needed.

【关键词】 商业银行破产拯救
【Key words】 Commercial bankinsolvency/bankruptassistance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】632

