

Technology Innovation and Promotion of China’s Foreign Trade Competitive Power

【作者】 胡艺

【导师】 黄兆银;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 国际贸易学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 技术和技术创新对当代的国际贸易已经产生了重大的影响,这一点得到了广泛的共识。各国都把技术创新作为提升本国对外贸易竞争力的最有力的武器,使本国能够从国际贸易中获得更多的利益。 中国加入世界贸易组织之后,面临着更激烈的竞争,中国虽然具有廉价劳动力的竞争优势,但是出口产品的技术含量不高,对外贸易竞争力不强,这其中的主要原因就在于中国的整体技术能力不强。这也使技术性的贸易壁垒成为制约中国出口产品竞争力的最大障碍。要提升中国对外贸易的竞争力,从根本上解决这些问题,在技术引进遇到种种限制的情况下,就必须通过技术创新来不断的缩小技术差距,实现中国对世界经济贸易强国的赶超。 文章从与技术相关的国际贸易理论模型分析入手,在全面深入的分析了中国对外贸易竞争力现状和现阶段中国外贸面临的严重问题之后,从理论和实践两方面得出技术创新是中国提升对外贸易竞争力的基本条件的结论。文章共分为三章:第一章,介绍与技术和技术创新有关的两个国际贸易模型,对其进行深入分析后得出相关结论。第二章,首先研究技术和技术创新对当代国际贸易的全面影响,然后深入研究中国对外贸易中存在的重大问题,用比较研究和行业实证研究的方法对中国对外贸易竞争力进行评估,强调技术创新对提升中国外贸竞争力具有不可替代的作用。第三章,在分析技术创新过程的复杂性和不确定性的基础上,就中国技术创新政策提出建议,促进中国技术创新能力的建设,提升对外贸易竞争力。

【Abstract】 Technology and technology innovation have brought great impact on the contemporary international trade. Each nation looks on technology innovation as the most powerful weapon, which will promote respective foreign trade competitive power, in order to obtain benefit from international trade.With entry into World Trade Organization (WTO), China has started to face more fierce competition. China has the competitive advantage of the low-cost labor force, but technology content of its exports is not high, its foreign trade competitive power is not strong because the whole technology ability is not strong in China. For this, the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) have become the most obstacles, which impair China’s export competition. In order to promote its foreign trade competitive power, resolve the above the problems and overtake the great powers on economy and trade, under the circumstances that the technology introduce encounters the various restrictions, China must continuously narrow the technology gap via the technology innovation.This thesis begins with the analysis of the related-technology international trade models. The second part of the thesis focuses on the study on the situation of China’s foreign trade competitive power and the serious problems that China’s foreign trade faces at present. Finally, the thesis makes a conclusion from the two aspects of theory and practice: technology innovation is the basic term of promoting China’s foreign trade competitive power. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter will give an introduction and review to the two related-technology and technology innovation international trade models. The second chapter will firstly study on the new technology and technology innovation’s great influence on the contemporary international trade, and then lucubrate the problems that China’s foreign trade exited, at last make a comprehensive evaluation on China’s foreign trade competitive power by means of comparative research and industrial demonstrational research. Finally, on the base of analysis of complexity and uncertainty on the process of the technology innovation, the thesis will give the suggestions on China’s technology innovation policies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F752
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】882

