

Crime of Willful Injury

【作者】 严峻

【导师】 林亚刚;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现行刑法第234条规定了故意伤害罪,其内容较1979年刑法相比,规定更为明确,法定刑也有所调整。条文的修改尤其是法定刑的提高表明了我国刑事立法对公民生命健康权的密切关注和重点保护,这是符合保障人权这一世界潮流的需要,更是打击现实生活中动辄行凶伤人的犯罪分子的需要,严谨的立法为司法活动的正确运作奠定了基础,但由于伤害个案的多样性、复杂性,导致司法人员认识模糊。同时,在我国刑法学界关于本罪的主观方面,伤害行为与伤害后果因果关系,罪与非罪,犯罪未遂等问题上存在争议,均有待澄清。本文中,笔者由故意伤害罪的概念谈起,分析了该罪的犯罪构成,与其他犯罪界限的司法认定,探讨了故意伤害罪停止形态以及立法完善等方面问题,希望能对我国刑事立法及司法实践有所裨益。 故意伤害罪是指故意非法损害他人身体健康的行为。本罪的犯罪客体是人的身体健康权,关于人的身体健康权,我国刑法限定得相对狭窄,基本上只包括身体组织的破坏和人体器官机能的丧失。正如学者们所言,决定某种权益最终能否作为犯罪客体,不在于其种类如何,而在于其受到侵犯的程度,对于故意伤害罪的客体而言,是指人的身体组织遭到破坏或器官功能丧失。故意伤害罪的客观方面是指由我国刑法规定的构成故意伤害罪必须具备的诸客观事实特征。包括三个方面,第一,行为人实施了非法损害他人身体健康的行为。实践中,损害他人身体健康的行为形形色色,有直接实行行为,也有间接实行行为;有作为,也有消极的不作为;有暴力方式,也有非暴力方式。但是,他们都有一个共同点,即伤害行为必须是行为人有意识支配的产物和表现,伤害行为指向的对象必须是他人,并且具有损害他人健康的内容,伤害行为本身必须是非法的;第二,有伤害结果或死亡结果发生,故意伤害罪是结果犯,其犯罪的既遂要求有危害结果的产生。危害结果包括伤害后果和死亡后果,其中重伤和轻伤是一般的危害后果,死亡后果是加重后果。由于重伤和轻伤直接影响到行为人量刑的档次,因此有必要明确轻伤和重伤鉴定结论产生的标准。笔者认为,确定是否构成轻伤或重伤时,主要按伤害当时的伤势评定,这是因为行为的社会危害性及其程度,既要考虑行为的后果,还要考虑行为人的主观恶性大小,正是伤害当时的伤势程度,一方面反映了行为造成危害后果,同时也反映了行为人的主观恶性大小,如果按治疗后的结果或者审判环节的结果来认定的话,容易忽视行为人的主观恶性,导致罪刑不相适应;第三,伤害行为与伤害结果和死亡结果之间有因果关系。笔者认为,一般故意伤害罪中,伤害行为与损害结果之间的因果关系既可能表现为直接因果关系,又可能表现为一种间接因果关系。而对于故意伤害致人死亡的情形,当伤害行为造成被害人绝对致命伤时,伤害行为与死亡结果之间表现为内在的必然的因果关系;当伤害行为造成被害人条件性致命伤,由于被害人个体体质(如年老、体弱多病或误诊,抢救不及时)的原因,使致命伤朝不利方向发展,最后产生死亡结果,这时伤害行为与死亡结果之间是一种间接偶然的因果关系。毫无疑问,当伤害行为与死亡结果之间是一种直接必然的因果关系时,行为人应当承担故意伤害致死的刑事责任。而当伤害行为与死亡结果之间是一种间接偶然的因果关系时,行为人对死亡结果承担刑事责任的前提是行为人利用了即将发生或正在发生的客观事实或者是不存在中断因果关系的危害行为。也就是说,当行为人造成被害人条件性致命伤,因误诊或抢救不及时而造成死亡后果的,行为人不应承担伤害致死的刑事责任。区分绝对致命伤与条件性致命伤为我们确定伤害行为与结果之间的因果关系以及行为人的刑事责任提供了新的视野。但是,这种方法也有一些弊端,尤其是随着医学的发展,条件性致命伤与绝对致命伤也不是一成不变的,绝对致命伤也可能转化为条件致命伤,这种转化直接影响到伤害行为与死亡结果之间的因果关系,此外,在死亡结果发生后,一时难以分辩伤害后果是绝对致命伤还是相对致命伤时又该如何确定行为人的刑事责任,这些问题还有待探讨。 故意伤害罪的主观方面包括认识因素和意志因素两项内容。一般故意伤害罪中认识因素包括;(1)认识到自己的行为是侵犯他人身体健康;(2)认识到自己是以一定的方式在实施伤害行为;(3)认识到自己的行为会产生致人轻伤或重伤的结果;(4)认识到自己的伤害行为与他人轻伤或重伤结果之间因果关系的发展。而判断行为人主观上是否具有致人轻伤或重伤的认识因素,要将行为人的年龄、知识、智力发展、工作经验以及所担负的职务、技术、熟练程度,同行为人当时所处的具体环境和条件结合起来综合判断,这是基本的判断标准,参考标准是一般人的认识水平。一般故意伤害罪中的意志因素则表现为希望或放任他人身体受重伤或轻伤。对于致人死亡情况下的故意伤害罪而言,主观方面包括故意和过失,其中故意是指行为人具有一般故意伤害罪中的认识因素和意志因素;过失则是指行为人对死亡结果的产生是基于过失。换句话说,行为人基于伤害的故意实施了伤害的行为,却造成了他人死亡的

【Abstract】 The criminal Law article 234 provides the deliberate hurt crime. Compared with that in 1979, its regulations are more definite, and the legal punishment are adjusted a lot. The revised regulation, especially for the improvement of the legal punishments shows that the criminal legislation shows great concern with citizen’s health right and protect emphatically. It fits the necessity of protecting human rights, it is the more necessity to strike crimals who hurt others as their will. In this article, the author begins with the concept of deliberate hwt crime, analysises the crime structure and the judical evidence of other crime boundary line, explores deliberate hurt crime stopping form and improvement of regulation, and so on, hopes it will do benefits to our crime legislation and the practice of udicature.Deliberate hurt crime is to hurt others’ body and health deliberately. Its crime object is human’s body and health rights it is restricted relatively narrow, basically it indudes the hurt of body organization and the loss of body organ. As the scholars said, it is not what the kind is to decide certain rights and interests as crime object but the extent of being hurt. It is that the body organisation is hurt or the loss of organs for the object of deliberate hurt crime.The deliberate hurt crime includes three objective aspects : (1) The man who carries out illegical actions to hurt other’s body and health; (2) It has the results of hurting or death; (3 ) It has reason and effect relations between hurting action and the effect of death. The author thinks that the relations of reason and effect between hurting 1 effect. But for the point of deliberate hurt to death, the reason anc hurting action and the results of death will be shown as internal reason and effect relations when hurting action causes the hurt to death, when hwting action causes the hurt to death if any conditioned ,they will be shown as indirect occassional reason and effect relations. In this circumstance, the presupposition of duty that the hurting man willtake responsibility for the hurting man uses the objective facts that is to happen, is happening, or has no pausing hurting action.The subjective aspects of deliberate hurting crime includes the factors of will and awareness. Generally, the factor of awareness includes: (1) Aware that his or her own actions will hurt others, (2) Aware that he or she is carrying out hurting action as certain way, (3) Aware his or her own actions will cause others to hurt lightly or heavily; ( 4) Aware the development of reason and effect that his or her hurting action and accusing others hurt lightly or heavily.The crime law restricts the crime subject of deliberate hurt crime as natural man and provides definitely for two points : (1) One who is past sixteen and has crime duty applies to deliberately hurt others’ body and health, (2) One who is past fourteen and has crime duty applies to hurt other’s body and health ,even cause others tobe hurt heavily or death. According to current legislation, the author thinks it necessary to enlarge the crime subject to unit.About the maintaination of deliberate hurt crime, the author thinks first the board line between crime and no crime should be divided definitely, then the crime and other crimes. Besides, there exists deliberate hurt action: when the acting man breaks the law because ofother aim, his action is involved with hurt action, it shouldn’t simply follow the principle of making sentence heavily according to one but distinguish them. According to crime law, it should be declared gulity aimly and deliberately.Finally, the author puts forward for many pieces of advice to current crime law. One, who causes others to hurt lightly for many times and people should be sentenced over three years to ten years, but for those who cause others to die sholld be senterced too.The author malles the exploration and consider that article 234 should be amended as following:Article 234 those who hurt others bodies deliberately should be sentenced 3years imprisonment

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】530

