

A Study on Altar of the Pre-Qin Dynasty and Related Problems

【作者】 陈琛

【导师】 杨华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 中国古代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在前人研究的基础上,对祭坛重新加以审视。选取祭天坛和用于会同的坛重点加以探讨,并对坛的概念、祭坛的考古线索、西周时期祭天坛等相关问题,分四个部分逐一展开。 第一章、坛及台、坎、墠、畤。本章围绕“坛”这个基本概念,对“坛”和与“坛”相关的祭祀场所,如“畤”、“墠”、“坎”等,作一些粗浅的探讨,试图对“坛”作出一个较为合理的界定,并阐发坛与坎、墠、畤之间的关系。 第二章、祭坛的考古线索。近年来,许多新石器时代的祭坛被发掘出土,这些为我们研究祭坛提供了弥足珍贵的实物资料。本章主要围绕这些考古发掘成果,将发掘的祭坛或具有祭坛性质的遗址进行整理,结合相关研究,总结出这些祭坛的特点,并与文献相印证,力图探讨坛的起源,且以地图的形式将这些祭坛的地理分布反映出来。 第三章、先秦时期的祭天及祭天坛。这一章是本文的重点,着重考察汉武帝时的太一坛以及围绕太一坛所形成的祭祀体系,阐发它与西周古礼的异同,并从礼经文本入手,结合其他文献和考古学、民俗学材料,论证古礼坛制及郊祀系统,对西周时期用于祭天的泰坛的形状、构造以及围绕坛所举行的燎祭、扫地祭等作出考察,并对西周以前的虞、夏、商和西周之后的春秋战国时期祭天坛的情形作一考察,以期廓清祭天坛的来龙去脉。 第四章、与祭坛相关的几个问题。本章择取与祭坛有关的几个问题进行探讨,藉此深化对祭坛的认识。其中主要关注先秦时期天子用于会同诸侯的会同之坛,对其性质、功用、嬗变作出判断,并对会同坛进行复原。 通过以上论述,本文得出如下结论:坛是在平坦的地上,用土石筑成的高台,有三层阶,用于祭祀、即位、朝会、盟誓等国之大事。在祭坛上行祭天礼发轫于史前时期,经夏、商、周三代,逐渐形成一套程序化、制度化的郊天礼典。由此,其它的用坛制度也初步形成。春秋战国时,王权式微,礼崩乐坏,各诸侯国僭行郊礼,周制在阴阳、五行、方术等学说的影响下开始背离经典。秦汉以降,帝王祭天无礼可征,多杂采神仙方士之说重构而成,故多显杂乱、怪异,与古制相去甚远,在此背景下,儒生们兴起复古运动,开始借助经典复古礼制,至西汉末年方告完成,并为后世所本。用坛制度也在这场纷纭复杂的变革中,集经典、阴阳、五行、方术、巫蛊、谶纬之学于一身,产生了较大变异。

【Abstract】 This dissertation, based on other scholars’ achievements, examines the altar closely. The emphases of discussion focus on the altar that is used either for offering sacrifices to gods or for gathering with dukes, and deal with four portions such as concept of the altar, archaeological clue, the altar of offering sacrifices to gods in Western Chou, and other problems correlated one by one.Chapter I makes some discussion about concept of the altar and related worship locations such as Zhi Shan, Kan , trying to make a rather reasonable annotation about the altar and elaborate the relationship between the altar and Zhi, Shan, Kan. Chapter II puts altars dug out and relics with altar character in order, then accounts on archeological achievements with related studies and documents. By summarizing these altars’ character, this chapter tries to probe into the origin of altar and reflects these altars’ geographical distribution in the form of map. Chapter III emphatically inspects Taiyi altar during emperor Hanwu’s times, and elaborates the similarities and differences with ancient customs in Western Chou. By means of analysis, this chapter demonstrates ancient sacrificial rites of altar and systems of countryside worship. Chapter IV discusses some questions concerned with altar, mainly being concerned about gathering altars used by the emperor for gathering with dukes before the Qin dynasty.Conclusions can be made through the study on altar. Altar is a tall platform with three steps constructed by soil and stone. It is used for national events such as worship, enthronement, meeting with the dukes and so on. Ceremonies of sacrificing to gods on the altar stemmed from prehistoric period, and gradually formed a set of programmed sacrificial rites undergoing the Xia, Shang and Western Chou dynasty. The institution of using altar essentially came into being. However, these rites were influenced by some thoughts such as Yinyang, mixing, Fangshu etc. and deviated from ancient institution during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States.After the Qin and Han dynasty, the emperor sacrificed to gods through redesigning ceremonies with no specific etiquette, which were much different from old systems. Under this background, the Confucian scholars returned to the ancients with the help of the classics. The altar system caused greater alteration in this diverse andcomplicated transform, absorbing various doctrines-Yinyang, Mixing, Fangshuand so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K878
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】700

