

Research on the Viewpoint of Judicialization on Chinese Administrative Reconsideration

【作者】 谢恒

【导师】 林莉红;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 诉讼法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在当代各国行政法治实践中,行政复议虽然因国家和地区不同而有所差异,但在程序建构方面具有高度的一致性,都不同程度地借鉴和吸纳了法院以程序正义为名发展出来的诉讼规则,比如采取了保障争议当事人的平等地位和争讼对抗的程序规则、极力增强复议机关的独立性与中立性等。换言之,虽然行政复议不是专门的诉讼制度,但其程序体现了诉讼程序的基本要求,具有独立性和公正性的特点。而且与诉讼制度相比,行政复议在程序上更加简洁、便捷,更注重效率要求,更能适应现代行政管理的需要。以司法机关所采取的诉讼程序为衡量标准,学者们通常将行政复议的上述特点称为“准司法性质”。与此相对应,“准司法性质”的实现或增强过程则被谓之为“司法化”(judicialisation)。我国行政复议立法因受制于“非司法化思想”的影响,无论是在制度上还是在实务上都已经使行政复议陷入制度失灵的困境。因此,需要借鉴海外行政复议司法化的经验,彰显行政复议的准司法性质,在此基础上重构行政复议法律制度。文章结合程序正义理念,对我国行政复议司法化及其改革作了系统的论述,并就“行政最终裁决与行政诉讼的关系”、“复议与诉讼在程序上的衔接”等两个复议司法化相关的问题进行了重点探讨,剖析其不足之处,提出了立法建议。本文共分三章,约4万。 第一章“我国行政复议司法化之实证分析”,首先从程序正义理念分析入手,认为基于最低限度程序正义的要求,行政复议不可避免要借鉴与吸纳司法方面成熟的诉讼程序规则,即最低限度程序正义的内容决定着行政复议的司法化程度。接着,文章论述了“非司法化”思想对我国行政复议制度的影响,进而指出解决此问题的关键在于摒弃不合时宜的“非司法化”观念且强化行政复议的司法特征。随后,文章又分析了“司法化的行政复议是否可以取代行政诉讼”“如何保证司法化的行政复议仍具效率性”等行政复议司法化的相关问题。 第二章“我国行政复议司法化之制度建构”,首先,介绍并分析英国、美国和韩国等三国行政复议司法化实例。其次,在借鉴国外行政复议司法化成功经验的基础上,文章提出我国行政复议司法化改革的设想。 第三章“我国复议司法化与行政诉讼之协调”,首先论述了行政终局裁决与行政诉讼的关系,认为终局裁决权与行政诉讼受案范围之间实质上为反比例关系。在此基础上,讨论了“当前我国终局裁决范围是否合理”、“复议司法化是否意味着终局裁决权的扩大”等两个与本文主题相关的问题。文章认为,行政终局裁决权的正当性在于复议活动具有充分的效率性和公正性,对于涉及终局裁决行为的法律规定应根据正当性要求重新加以审视并予以修订。由于行政复议司法化仅仅是行政终局裁决权实现的必要条件,因此复议司法化并不必然导致终局裁决权的扩大。最后,文章讨论了行政复议与行政诉讼在程序上的衔接问题,着重分析了行政内救济优先原则对衔接模式的影响,并提出相关立法建议。

【Abstract】 As a result of the practice of administrative law all over the world, administrative reconsideration has a common nature : judicature. Limited by the viewpoint of anti-judicialization, legislation on administrative reconsideration in china is in a dilemma, both in system and in the enforcement of law. Such a situation can no longer meet legal demands in China today. It is therefore ,necessary to draw foreign experience as reference and to stress the quasi-judicial nature of administrative reconsideration. A new legal system of administrative reconsideration should be set up on this basis. Combining the theory of procedural justice, the paper systematically studies the judicialization of the administrative reconsideration and its reformation ,"the relation of final adjudication and administrative litigation" and "the relation of administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation " etc two problems resonsidering that the judicialization of the administrative reconsideration and the administrative litigation are correlated. The paper also analyses the shortcoming and has put forward the suggestion. The dissertation is consisted of three pieces, about 40000 Chinese characters.Chapter one firstly studies the theory of procedural justice. The article thinks that the content of the lowest quality of procedural justice decide the judicialization of the administrative reconsideration. Secondly, the part studies the influence of the anti-judicialization viewpoint, the article thinks that the key to solve the problem depends on discarding untimely the anti-judicialization viewpoint and strengthening the judicial character of the administrative resonsideration. Thirdly, the part analyses"the administrative reconsideration which is judicialized whether or not can replace the administrative litigation" and "how to pledge the efficiency of the administrative reconsideration" etc two problems.Capter two, firstly , introduce and analyse the judicialization living example of three nations such as the Britain , United States and The Republic of Korea etc.Secondly, the tentative plan of the judicialization of the administrative reconsideration is put forward in the article.Capter three firstly anlyses "the relation of final adjudication and administrative litigation" and "the relation of administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation" etc two problems resonsidering that the judicialization of the administrative reconsideration and the administrative litigation are correlated. The article thinks the reason of the final adjudication is that the administrative reconsideration possesses full efficiency and just nature. Therefore, the law regulation should be revised based on the reason of the final adjudication. Owing to the fact that judicialization of the administrative reconsideration only is the necessary condition to realize the final adjudication.,therefore judicialization of the administrative reconsideration not certainly leads to the enlargement of the final adjudication.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】628

