

Study on Corporate Reorganization System

【作者】 雷涛

【导师】 孟勤国;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 民商法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 重整在国外是一项相对成熟的制度,而在我国立法中几乎是空白。郑百文重组过程中出现许多有争议的问题,根本原因在于法制的欠缺,本文正是基于此来探讨重整制度的价值,及该制度各具体环节的本来面目,并提出自己的若干设想,以期对我国重整立法的完善有所裨益。 本文在写作过程中遵循如下思路:首先对重整制度的价值,即对其重要性进行定位(作为第一部分),认为重整的目的在于使公司得以继续存在和发展,以维护社会整体利益。整个重整制度的设立都是围绕这一主题进行的,本文的以下内容便是探索在具体的重整制度中是如何体现这一主题的,如对于重整申请人的确定,确立了职工的申请资格,强化了公司董事的义务;对于重整标准的确定,确立了“财务恶化,足以影响公司继续营业”作为重整的标准,并对由此产生的两种重整进行划分;对于重整机关的设立,阐述三个重整机关之间的分权与制衡关系;对重整计划的内容,具体分析各种重整措施;并对因重整程序而产生的若干权利进行科学分析,如对取回权的质疑,对公权力介入的分析等 而在章目的安排顺序上,则是按照重整程序的运行顺序进行,即先有重整申请人提出重整申请(第二部分),然后由法院按其是否符合重整标准裁定是否对其进行重整(第三部分),对于符合重整标准,经裁定可以进行重整的公司,再在法院主持下设立重整机关,确定由谁负责重整(第四部分),重整机关设立后,便要着手重整方案的制定,以确定如何进行重整(第五部分),最后讨论的是,在重整程序的运行过程中,当事各方于重整计划外,仅仅是程序本身对其产生的若干效力(第六部分)。通过这种安排,基本将重整制度的重要问题都涉及到了。

【Abstract】 Corporate reorganization system is a comparatively mature system abroad, but our legislation is almost blank in this field. In the reorganization process of Zhengbaiwen Co.Ltd appear many disputes of the problems. The basic reason consists in the lack of laws. This paper bases on this to inquiry in to the value of the reorganization system exactly, and its original appearance in every specific link, and then give some advice on how to build this system, expecting there are some benefits for the perfection of our legislation.This paper follows the following way of thinking in the process of composition: First, the value of the reorganization, namely its importance is fixed (the first part), the purpose of the reorganization is to make company exsit and develop continuously, so as to protect the whole benefits of the society. The whole system is around this topic. The contents following just explore how to show the topic in special reorganization system., such as the ascertain of the applicants for reorganization, establishing the workers’ application qualifications, enhancing the board director’s duty; the ascertain of the standard of the reorganization, establishing" the finance is worsen, enough to influence company runs continuously" as the reorganization standard; the establishment of the organizations of the reorganization, expatiating the relative between the three organizations; the contents of the plan of reorganization, analyzing every kind of reorganization measures; and some rights that result in this procedure, such as the query of taking-back right, the science analysis of the involvement of public power.The arrangement for the order of the paper is accord to the sequence that the procedure of reorganization proceeds, namely the applicants put forward to the application for reorganization first(the second part), then the court decide to reorganization if the company attains the standard(the third part), then under the preside of the court establishes the organization of reorganization(the forth part). After that, the project must be established to ascertain the reorganization how to proceed(the fifth part). Finally, some effects that the procedure brings are discussed. Through this kind of arrangement, almost all important problems are involved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】368

