

Article Ⅸ of Japanese Constitution and Its Evolvement

【作者】 陈道英

【导师】 秦前红;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 历来自卫权被视为国家主权之一部,而自卫战争则是自卫权最主要的行使方式和现代国际法所承认的各国单方面诉诸武力的唯一的合法理由。盖因于此,虽然宣称放弃侵略战争的宪法比比皆是,却鲜有国家在宪法中宣称放弃自卫战争。1947年开始正式实施的《日本国宪法》正是这样一部特殊的宪法,而其中的第9条正是宣称放弃一切战争、不保持任何战争力量并宣布不承认国家的交战权的和平条款。《日本国宪法》之所以做出这样独特的规定,与它制定的历史背景有着密切的联系。而且《日本国宪法》第9条的存在对于保障甚至推进世界和平都有着重要的意义。 然而,随着日本经济的复苏和腾飞以及国际形势的变化,日本政府产生了重整军备、在国际政治上发挥作用的要求。这样,第9条就成为了日本达到这一目标的阻碍。当宪法条文与社会现实脱离的时候有两种解决途径,其一为宪法变迁,其二为宪法修改。由于日本宪法规定有严格的修宪程序,而日本国民又并不支持修改第9条,因此日本政府在无法对第9条进行修改的情况下采取了运用国家权力从实质上改变第9条含义的途径。这一对第9条进行变迁的历史持续了近60年,其间经历了三个阶段:过渡阶段、专守防卫阶段和突破专守防卫阶段。与此同时,日本政府也从未放弃过修改第9条的努力,特别是日本现任首相小泉更是提出了明确的修宪计划。于是,宪法变迁和日本的修宪运动就成为了在探讨第9条演变的历史过程中所必须着重探讨的问题。 此外,第9条的演变还涵盖了自卫权与自卫战争的区分、自卫权的行使、自卫队的合宪性、集体自卫权等问题,这些也是我们在讨论第9条的演变时所不能忽略的问题。

【Abstract】 The right of self-defense has long been seen as a sovereign right of a nation, and self-defense is seen as the only lawful reason for a country to use forces by modern international law. So, although there are constitutions declaring abandoning war of aggression, there rarely are constitutions declaring abandoning war of self-defense. And the 1947 constitution of Japan is such a constitution. Article IX of the constitution declares that Japan will abandon wars, war potential and "no rights of belligerency will ever be conferred upon the State." It is the historical condition that made the constitution make such announcement and Article DC means much to the peace of the world.However, as the conditions inside and outside Japan changed, the social conditions turn away from the statement. Generally speaking, there are two ways to solve the problem: the changing of the constitution and the amending of the constitution. Because of the strict procession of amending the constitution and the disagreement of Japanese people on this problem, the Japanese government takes the way of changing the meaning of the article by using the government powers. The changing of article DC has been lasted for nearly 60 years. The history can be divided into 3 periods: the transition period, the self-defense period and the period breaking principles of self-defense. Meanwhile, the Japanese government has never given up amending the constitution, and the Prime Minister Koizumi even put forward a specific plan for amending the article. Thus the changing of the constitution and the intention of amending the constitution become the main problems we must discuss when studying the changing of Article DC.Besides, the changing of Article DC also involves the difference between the right of self-defense and war of self-defense, the using of the right of self-defense, the constitutionality of Self-defense Force troops and the right of collective self-defense, which cannot be ignored when discussing the problem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D931.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】832

