

Developing Applications with Java and UML

【作者】 巴才国

【导师】 胡启平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 软件工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自从1986年Booch提出面向对象方法论。迄今已出现50种以上的方法论。面向对象方法已经逐步取代了传统的软件分析和设计方法,成为当前计算机软件工程学中的主流方法。著名的软件工程学家Grady Booch、Jim Rumbaugh和Ivar Jacobson在精心比较不同的建模语言优缺点及总结面向对象技术应用实践的基础上发布了统一建模语言UML。 UML是用于描述、可视化和构架软件系统以及商业建模的语言,它涵盖面向对象的分析、设计和实现,融合了早期面向对象建模方法和各种建模语言的优点,为面向对象系统的开发提供了丰富的、严谨的、扩充性强的表达方式。UML是一种建模语言,而不是一种方法,不包含方法中的重要组成成分——过程的描述。RUP是由Rational公司给出的一种软件过程,提供一种分派开发组织任务和职责的途径,描述软件开发的过程。 本文摒弃了国内大多数软件系统开发者使用的结构化的开发方法,采用了统一建模语言UML和RUP,借助了ROSE工具,对订单输入系统可视化建模方面做了一些新的尝试,实现了系统的增量迭代开发。本文通过一个实例(订单输入系统),详细论述了从分析、设计、编码到实现的开发全过程,对开发其它类似系统具有一定的参考价值。 开发订单输入系统这样一个具有一定规模和复杂性的软件系统是一项工程,必须按工程学的方法加以组织,并经过分析、设计、实现、测试、维护等一系列的软件生命周期阶段,编程是重要的,但系统建模更为重要,只有在分析和设计阶段建立良好的系统模型,才能保证工程的正确实施,这是人们从软件危机中获得的重要教训。 在系统的开发流程中,需求分析是其中决定性的一步。本文在详细分析公司业务现状后,通过事件表得出系统的用例模型,并在此基础上分别建立了订单输入系统的静态结构模型和动态行为模型,以规范面向对象的需求分析、总体设计、详细设计、代码的生成以及项目的管理和维护,实现系统的增量开发。对于模型中的用例图、类图、包图、序列图、协作图、状态图和活动图,本文都详细地说明了生成过程和意义。 实现阶段的组件图和部署图描述了订单输入系统的物理模型—系统源代码的静态结构和运行时刻的实现结构。本文详细介绍了采用Servlet、JsP和JavaBean实现的功能模块,包括基于数据库的消息管理、订单处理、维护联系的查询和更新。 最后,本文对论文所作的工作进行了总结,并提出了今后的工作方向。

【Abstract】 Since Booch brought forward Object Oriented Technique in 1986, more than 50 kinds of methodology have appeared. Object Oriented Technique has replaced traditional Analysis and Design technique as the main technique in software engineering. Famous software engineering academician Grady Booch Jim Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson issued Unified Modeling Language after detailedly comparing different modeling languages and summarizing Object Oriented Technique application experience.The Unified Modeling Language, provides system architects working on object analysis and design with one consistent language for specifying, visualizing, constructing and documenting software systems. UML is the convergence of best practices in the object technology industry. And it is a rich, precise, extensible modeling language for object oriented system development.UML is only a standard modeling language and not a standard development process. Rational Software Corporation releases rational Unified Process which provides an approach to allocating tasks and responsibility in software development and describes software engineering processes.In this thesis, I discard the traditional developing method most system developers use. A prototype of the order form input system is visual modeled and developed in increment iteration by using UML, RUP and ROSE, as to enhance reliability, reusability and maintainability of the system. This thesis discusses the modern Technique of Object Oriented modeling, gives a model according to a instance (a order form input system) and shows the whole process of the system development, which is valuable for developing similar systems.Developing a large and complex software system such as the order form input system is a project which must be organized by engineering science and go through the whole software engineering lifecycle including analysis, design, implementation, test and maintenance. Program is important, but modeling is more important. We canensure the smooth project implement only after establishing exact model in analysis and design. This is an important lesson we learn from Software Crisis.During the course of software developing, requirement analysis is a decisive step. I educe the Use Case model of the system by Event Table after detailedly analysis the operation status of corporation. On the model, I educe the static structure model and dynamic action model of the system, in which the Use Case diagram, Class diagram, Package diagram are detailedly discussed.Component diagram and Deployment diagram show the physical model of the system when realization. This thesis introduces in detail the ruction module realized by Servlet JSP and JavaBean, including dynamic news management based on database, order form management, the inquiry and update based on order form relationship.Finally, the thesis summarizes the whole content and brings forward the future work.

【关键词】 UMLRUP面向对象事件表Rose
【Key words】 UMLRUPObject OrientedEvent TableRose
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】257

