

The Neural Network PID Controller and Dynamic Simulation of the Canal System

【作者】 王涛

【导师】 阮新建; 汪富贵;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 水利水电工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国已建了许多大型远距离跨流域调水工程,像已经兴建的东深供水工程、正在规划中的南水北调工程。怎样充分发挥这些工程的作用,做到优化调度、适时适量供水?一个理想供水系统,应能根据各个地区不同时间对水的实际需求,在引水口处做到适时适量的供水。如果能建立一个需求型的渠道系统,使其处于待命状态,就能满足非预定的用水要求,这就是渠系自动化的目标。 在传统渠道PID控制中一个关键的问题就是PID参数整定,传统的方法是在获取控制对象数学模型的基础上,根据某一整定原则来确定PID参数。然而实际的渠道系统是一个非常复杂的非线性、不确定系统,难于建立精确的数学模型,而且模型参数随着渠道工作状况的改变而改变,尤其对于多渠池渠道系统,要达到比较好的控制性能,必须对每个渠池的PID控制器采用不同的控制参数,而各控制参数之间又是相互影响的,参数整定难度极大。并且即使针对某一工作状况获得了PID控制的最优参数,但由于渠道一般具有时变性,仍存在整个工作范围保持最优的问题。这就要求在PID控制中参数的整定不依赖于渠道数学模型。 本文对PID控制原理、分类以及各种新型PID控制算法作了全面、系统的论述。 在传统PID渠道控制中引入了神经元和二次型性能指标,利用神经元自适应、自学习、并行处理及较强的容错能力,实现了PID控制中参数的整定不依赖于渠道数学模型,且PID参数能根据渠道的适时信息(水位、流量)在线调整以满足适时控制的要求 将BP网络与常规PID控制结合,并引入了最优化目标函数,利用BP网络来实现PID控制器参数的在线整定,将其运用于渠系等体积控制,并利用MATLAB软件进行了数值模拟仿真,取得了一些有意义的成果和较为满意的结果。

【Abstract】 Many large projects for water-transportation have been built, such as the project of Dong-Shen water transfers in the stage of constructing and the project of south-to-north water transfers in the stage of programming. But how can we make full use of the projects? An ideal water-supply system should supply proper amount of water at proper time at the outlet. If a demand-canal was built to keep the status of ready- supply all the time, the not pre-assigned needs of water then can be satisfied. This is the just object of canal automation.In the traditional canal PID control a key problem is how to conform the parameter of PID.The traditional way is conforming the parameter for the fundamental at the base of getting the mathematic model of the control object. But the actual canal system is a very complex non-linear unsure system. It is very difficult to establish a accurate mathematic model. Furthermore the parameters of the model change along with the working statue. Especially for the canal system of the multieach canals, it is integrant to adopt different parameters for each canal to get good control effect. But each parameter affects each other, it is very difficult to conform each parameter. And even getting the best parameters for a work status, but the canal system is up-and down, it is difficult to getting the best parameter for all work status. So it is very necessary to conform the parameters not depending on the canal mathematics model.In the thesis the theory class and the late-model control arithmetic is summarized in the round.Adhibiting the nerve cell and qurdratic capability target, by the self-adapting self-studying consistent and better abiding of the nerve cell ,the thesis realizes the conforming of the parameter not depending the canal mathematics ,furthermore the parameter can self-adjust for the information of the canal(water level flux).Combining the BP nets and the routine PID controller, and adhibiting the linear optimization target function, the thesis realizes the conforming of the parameter not depending the canal mathematics, furthermore the parameter can self-adjust for the information of the canal. Using the MATLAB the thesis simulates and acquires some significative effects.

【关键词】 渠系自动化单神经元神经网络数字PID控制算法MATLAB
【Key words】 canal system automationnerve netNNPIDMATLAB
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TV672
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】327

