

Analyses on Chinese Law on Safeguard Measures under the Legal Framework of WTO

【作者】 马冉

【导师】 余敏友;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 国际法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 从国际角度看,保障措施在国际贸易领域内的应用由来已久,且占据着日趋稳固的地位,WTO成立以来,成员援用保障措施的数量持续上升就是一个很好的例证。作为多边贸易体制的“安全阀”,对切实保障成员国内产业安全与发展具有不可低估的作用。 中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,入世既是机遇也是挑战。如何把握机遇,扩大出口,发展公平贸易,积极应对WTO其他成员的保障措施调查;如何接受挑战,引进国外先进产品与服务,参与多边贸易体制,开放国门的同时注重利用保障措施等WTO允许的贸易救济方式,有效地保护国内产业,维护自身经济利益便成为当今学术界与实业界共同的课题。 本文试就WTO保障措施规则体系、中国保障措施立法及《中国加入议定书》与《中国加入工作报告》中规定的“特定产品过渡性保障措施”的实体规定、法律实践及其之间的关系等,对中国现存的保障措施法制进行一些分析评述。 本文分为引言、正文、结论3部分,共计5章。 第一章简要概括了目前中国保障措施的立法情况。 第二章分别从保障措施的实体要件、程序要件及实施方面对WTO《保障措施协定》与中国《保障措施条例》的相关规定进行了阐释与对比分析。 第三章分别就《GATT1994》第19条“未预见的发展”、《农产品协定》第5条农产品特别保障条款、《纺织品及服装协定》第6条第1款过渡性保障措施条款及《服务贸易总协定》(GATs)第10条紧急保障措施条款的实体规定,及其对中国保障措施立法的影响进行分析与展望。 第四章主要研究了《中国加入议定书》第16条“特定产品过渡性保障措施”的实体内容与具体实施,以及美国对华特保立法的情况,并在此基础上提出了一些粗浅的法律补救建议。

【Abstract】 Over the world, safeguard measures are playing a stabler and firmer role in the field of international trade. And it is a good evidence that the ammount of appling safeguardmeasures by different members has been growing after the establishment of WTO. As a"safe Valve" of multilateral trade system,safeguard measures on the basis of fair trade are very important to ensure the safety and improve the development of the domestic industry.It is an opportunity as well as a challenge for China to enter into WTO. And it is a common problem worth well studying for learned men, governors and enterprisers that how to expand the exportation, promote the fair trade and answer the investigations of safeguard measures made by other WTO members, and how to import good products and service, meanwhile, apply effective safeguard measures to prevent the domestic industry from severe injury.Through analyses on the WTO law on safeguard measures, Chinese safeguard measures legislation and "Transitional specific-products safeguard measures" provided in Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China and Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China, the author attempts to explain the current Chinese law on safeguard measures.Chapter One outlines the current Chinese law on safeguard measures.Chapter Two respectively from the material and procedural factors and specific implementation, analyzes the Agreement on Safeguard Measures and the Regulation on Safeguard Measures of the People s Republic of China.Chapter Three respectively through the explanation of GATT1994 XIX"Unforeseen development", Agreement on Agriculture V’Special Safeguard measures", Agreement on Textiles and Clothing VT’Transitional safeguard measures"and General Agreement on Trade in Services X"Emergency Safeguard measures",makes an analysis on the relation with and the effect on Chinese law on safeguard measures.Chapter Four mainly discusses the content and implementation of "Transitional Specific-products Safeguard measures" and American legistation, and presents some legal remedy suggestions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】246

