

Legal Analysis of Labor Standard Issues in International Trade

【作者】 贺琼琼

【导师】 余敏友;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 国际法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 发达国家将劳工标准与贸易挂钩的努力虽然在WTO中没有尽如人意,但是它们并没有放弃从民间的努力。本文从国际劳工标准问题的发展背景和现状以及它的法律渊源入手,通过从官方层面对WTO劳工标准问题的分析,指出尽管目前WTO不是解决劳工标准问题争议的主要机构,但是将劳工标准问题纳入WTO争端解决机构的范围已经是必然趋势。从对民间层面关于企业社会责任运动的背景尤其是SA8000标准的分析,指出其对中国的影响,中国劳动法与国际劳工标准存在的差距以及目前中国劳动法存在的问题,最后对中国应采取的对策提出自己的看法和建议,强调中国一方面在WTO的谈判中应该争取对自己有利的安排,另一方面更应该积极应对民间层面的劳工标准问题。 本文分为四部分,共计四章。 第一章概述,简要地分析了国际贸易中劳工标准问题的历史由来和发展现状以及国际贸易中劳工标准的法律渊源。 第二章从官方层面针对WTO中的劳工标准问题,首先分析了发达国家和发展中国家在这个问题上的争议并作了相应的评述。其次对劳工标准问题的执行机构进行分析,认为国际劳工组织虽然在国际劳工标准的制定和执行方面发挥了一定的作用,但是由于它没有强制执行权,不能强迫成员国执行指令,也不能对侵犯劳动权的行为进行制裁,充其量只能是一支保护劳动者的道德力量;单边劳工立法无论是从制定的依据还是其内容都是与WTO非歧视原则相违背的;由WTO来调整劳工标准问题虽然存在一定的缺陷,但是也具有一定的现实可能性。事实上,将劳工标准问题纳入WTO多边贸易体制之下已经成为必然的趋势。 第三章分析企业社会责任运动兴起的背景、具体的表现形式、企业社会责任运动在中国的产生和发展以及对中国造成的影响,指出虽然该运动具有民间性,但是它已经成为一种推动WTO中劳工标准实现的重要力量。 第四章对我国的劳动立法与国际劳工标准进行比较,指出我国劳动立法存在的问题并提出自己的建议,中国一方面要加快批准国际劳工公约的步伐,另一方面要加大我国劳动立法和执法的力度,将企业社会责任运动纳入我国劳动法制的轨道,以更好地保护劳动者的合法权利。

【Abstract】 Although the developed countries have failed to tie labor standards to trade in the WTO, they haven’t given up their efforts in the unofficial way. The author analyzes the background, the current situations and law sources of International Labor Standards and makes a conclusion that WTO now is not the main execution body for the settlement of labor standard disputes, but discussing labor standard issues in the WTO will be inevitable.By analyzing the Corporate Social Accountability especially Social Accountability 8000, the author discusses the influences which they’ve brought to China, the differences between labor law of China and International Labor Standards and the problems of current labor law. Finally, the author attempts to present some references concerning the improvement of the laborer rights. On the one hand, China should try to get more advantages in the WTO negotiations. On the other hand, China should actively take measures to respond the nongovernmental challenges.This article is made up of four parts. Chapter one, the author simply analyzes the background, the current situations and the law sources of International Labor Standards. Facing the labor standard issues in the WTO, Chapter Two firstly discusses the disputes between the developed countries and the developing countries, then discusses the execution body of labor standards and points out that International Labor Organization has played a very important role in the practice of International Labor Standard, but it has no compulsory right and it is only a moral power. Unilateral labor law is violating the basic principles of WTO. Discussing labor standard issues in the multilateral trade system will be inevitable.Chapter Three analyzes the background, the form, the influences and how Corporate Social Accountability develops in China. The author points out that nongovernmental standards will be a very important power to promote the labor standard realized in the WTO.After comparing labor law of China with International Labor Standards, Chapter Four points out the problems of current labor law and puts forward some suggestions. China not only should fasten the ratification of International Labor conventions, but also should strengthen the enactment and practice of labor law for the purpose of protecting rights of Chinese laborers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D99
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】624

