

A Study on the Problems of Application of Law of Click-wrap Contract

【作者】 陈文涛

【导师】 肖永平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 国际法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 电子商务近年来的迅速发展,受到了国际社会的普遍关注。电子合同是电子商务的主要形式,由于网络交易的迅捷性,电子合同多为格式合同或包含大量格式条款的合同。Click-wrap contract是电子格式合同中最具代表性的一种。由于click-wrap contract集电子合同与格式合同的特点于一身,所以如何规制这种合同成为人们所共同关心的问题。本文主要从冲突法的角度对click-wrap contract案件的法律适用问题进行了讨论,并对其中所涉及的一些问题提出了一些解决的思路和方案。 全文共分四章,共计45,113字。 第一章对click-wrap contract进行了总括的概述。由于click-wrap contract尚未有一个统一的中文翻译,所以本章第一节在分析了click-warp contract内涵后提出应以“网络点选合同”来命名这种合同。第二节在比较分析了网络点选合同与电子合同、拆封包装合同及格式合同的区别与联系的基础上,提出了网络点选合同的定义,指出网络点选合同总的特征是电子化的格式合同,具有标准化、系统化、互动协作性及消费者合同的基本特征。它有三种基本形态,即点击包装合同(click-wrap contract)、拆封授权合同(browse-wrap contract)和访问合同(access contract)。 第二章分析了网络点选合同对传统的法律适用制度的挑战。在电子商务这一大的背景下,传统的合同法律适用制度面对网络点选合同产生许多新的问题,这不仅体现在连接点方面,也体现在准据法方面。本章第一节主要就连接点所面临的新问题进行了分析。由于在合同领域,当事人意思自治和最密切联系是主要的连接点,所以本节主要对这两个方面所面临的新问题进行了分析。第二节就准据法所面临的新问题进行了分析,并着重就准据法的“落空”及“网络习惯法”两方面进行了讨论。 第三章对网络点选合同的法律适用及冲突法即将发生的变化进行了讨论。第一节对新近国际上关于电子商务和电子合同的立法及相关案例进行了介绍及分析,并在此基础上分析了这些立法及案例给网络点选合同的法律适用带来的启示。第二节主要从网络点选合同的当事人缔约能力、形式要件、合同的合法性、合同的解释以及合同的实质要件等方面的法律适用问题进行了分析讨论。 第四章对网络点选合同的法律适用问题进行了总的概括。重申:当事人缔约能力应区分合同的提供方和接受方,前者应适用当事人属人法,后者则应同时适用当事人属人法和有最密切联系的法律。合同的形式问题应同时适用缔约地法、IsP法和合同准据法。合同的合法性应适用法院地法。合同的解释原则上应适用法院地法或消费者住所地或惯常居所地法,而以当事人合意选择的法律对其进行限制。合同的实质问题,其法律适用的趋势是:(l)当事人意思自治原则依然是调整法律适用的首要原则,并具有放宽使用的趋势;(2)当事人未就准据法作有效选择时,最密切联系原则将是支配法律适用的主要原则;(3)复数性连接点的运用将有助于网络点选合同实质内容法律适用问题的解决;(4)各国消费者保护法律将作为对意思自治原则适用的限制手段适用于网络点选合同;(5)各国的强行性法律将会直接适用于网络点选合同的法律选择,并且公共秩序保留将依然是各国在网络点选合同法律适用中的最后保障。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of the electronic commerce is paid universally attention by international society in recent years. Electronic contract is the most important implement employed by people to perform a transaction via Internet. Because of the extreme rapidness of Internet, most of E-contracts are standard contracts. And click-wrap contract is the most typical form of E-contract. Click-wrap contract is a standard E-contract, which leads to its compound characteristic composed by both the characteristics of E-contract and those of traditional standard contract. As a result, how to regulate click-wrap contract has become the subject of people’s common concern. Centering on the conflict of laws, this dissertation discusses the application of law about click-wrap contract, and puts forward some thoughts and proposals to resolve relative problems.The dissertation consists of 4 chapters, totally amounted to 45,113 Chinese characters.Chapter 1 is a summarization of click-wrap contract, which includes the uniform Chinese translation of click-wrap contract, the definition of click-wrap contract and its basic characteristics on the basis of the analysis and the comparison of click-wrap contract with some other relative contracts, such as E-contracts, shrink-wrap contracts and traditional standard contracts.Chapter 2 analyses the challenges posed by click-wrap contract to the conflict of laws. The challenges are mainly displayed as: the challenges to the connecting factors in effect and the challenges to lex causae. As to challenges to the connecting factors, the dissertation mainly elaborates the autonomy of will doctrine and the doctrine of the closest connection, which are two principal doctrines among the application of law in the field of contract. As to the challenges to lex causae, this chapter mainly discusses the problems of the falling through of lex causae and netiquette arisen from click-wrap contract.Chapter 3 deliberates the application of law about click-wrap contract and innovations in the conflict of laws that are about to take place. On the strength of analysisof the recent statues, conventions and cases, the dissertation makes studies on the application of law about parties’ contracting capacity, the contractual form, the validity of contract, the explanation of contract and contract’s substance.Chapter 4 is a restatement and summarization concerned with the application of law about click-wrap contract. The conclusions are as follows: (1) parties’ contracting capacity. The parties accepting the terms and items of a click-wrap contract, most of whom are natural persons, their contracting capacities will be regulated by their lex patriae, lex domicillii or the law of the place which has the closest connection; the parties offering the terms and items, most of whom are legal persons, their contracting capacities will be governed by their lex patriae or lex domicillii. (2) the contractual form. The validity of the contractual form will be governed by lex loci celebrationis, lex domicillii of ISP or the law selected by ISP, or lex causae of the contract. (3 ) the validity of click-wrap contract will be regulated by lexfori. (4) as to the explanation of click-wrap contract, lexfori, lex domisillii of the consumer or lex causae of the contract will be applicable. (5) as for the application of law of substantial factors of click-wrap contract, the dissertation holds: CD the autonomy of will doctrine will still be the fist principle ,and the limitations of it will be reduced gradually; (2) when the party’s choice of the law is unavailable, click-wrap contract is governed by the law of the place which has the closest connection in principle; (3) the mandatory law on behalf of the law of consumer protection will directly apply to click-wrap contract;?the reservation of public order is still the safety valve in the application of law of click-wrap contract in each country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913;D997
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】301

