

Juristic Researches on the Management System of Financial Emergency

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 汪鑫;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们危机意识的不断提高,以及对金融风险和金融危机研究的深入,“金融突发事件”一词在金融领域越来越频繁地被提及。“金融突发事件”的基本含义可以概括为:是由随机因素或系统性误差引发的,带有负面的金融风险效应,能够导致金融部门大面积系统性功能衰退或丧失的一切突然性事件。由于金融突发事件具有爆发时间上的突然性、诱发因素上的多元性、破坏力上的系统性、处置时机上的紧迫性、处置成本上的高额性,因而对于有着广泛社会联系、向公众提供广泛服务的金融部门来说,研究建立金融突发事件应急处理机制就显得十分紧迫和重要。 当前,国内外对于金融突发事件应急处置给予了高度关注,但成果多见于经济学界,而从法律层面研究金融突发事件应急机制的则不多见。这在实践中表现为对金融突发事件的处置以行政权的自主干预为主,具有较大的随意性,也难以保证处置效果。实践证明,只有法治才能为应对突发事件提供可靠的制度保障。研究金融突发事件应急处置的目的就在于把握适用紧急处置权的原则,及时对因紧急状态立法而出现的法律规范间的矛盾进行协调,健全相应的机制和制度,进一步完善法治。同时,紧急状态来临时,在正常状态下被遮蔽的法律制度中的缺陷可以被暴露和发现,从而有利于进一步完善现有的法律制度,并实现法治的跳跃性发展。基于此,对于金融突发事件应急处置法律问题的研究无疑具有重要的理论与实践意义。 本文对于金融突发事件应急处置法律问题研究的主要思路是:一方面,厘清金融突发事件与金融风险、金融危机之间的关系,从而界定金融突发事件的基本含义,为以后的论述划定范围、奠定基础。金融突发事件与金融风险、金融危机之间的关系可以简要描述为:金融风险累积到一定程度引发金融突发事件,金融突发事件若处置不当或难以控制,则爆发出巨大的系统性金融风险,从而酿成金融危机。从金融危机治理的全过程来看,分为预警阶段、紧急应对阶段、治疗阶段和恢复阶段。显然的,由于金融突发事件处在金融危机的爆发早期,因此金融突发事件应急处置机制主要是处于整个危机治理的第一和第二阶段——预警与紧急应对阶段。 另一方面,将金融突发事件应急处置的一系列过程作为贯穿全文的一条主线,从事件预警、应急机制启动、应急处理、事后评估与问责四个阶段分别展开研究,提出各个阶段应当建立和完善的若干应急法律制度。在预警阶段,提出应当建立和完善金融系统内、外部运行的预测与监控系统;在应急机制启动阶段,提出应在相关法规中设计一个紧急处置启动程序,这个程序要求监管当局必须及时做出法定反应,具有及时采取应急措施的法律义务,并为这个程序配备相应的法律责任追究机制。在应急处理阶段,指出这一阶段具有救急性和短期性的特点,典型的紧急救援措施如最后贷款人制度、金融机构接管等均为短期应对措施,而非长久措施。在这一阶段,完善对“紧急状态”和“紧急处置权”规制的立法是确保应急处置合法与高效的关键环节。在事后评估与问责阶段,指出应急处置机构要对外发布紧急状态结束的通告,一方面要对处置效果展开调查和评价,对应急处置各项工作进行认真系统的总结,以进一步提升组织的应对能力;另一方面要建立和实行问责制,即金融突发事件应急处置主体必须依法向特定的其他公共机构陈述其政策和行为,并论证其合理性。 金融业的发展与金融风险始终是相伴相生的,而现代社会的多元化趋势使得社会大系统正面临新一轮的分化组合,金融突发事件等不稳定因素以其负面效应不仅表现在现代金融生活的各个方面,并且内在于人们追求金融稳定与发展的过程之中。金融风险的发生机理与演化机制至今还未被学界破译,有关金融危机治理是否存在最佳模式也还在理论与实践的艰苦探索之中。这决定了对于金融突发事件及其相关法律问题的研究也将是一个长期而复杂的过程。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of people’s awareness of crisis and the development of the researches on financial risk and crisis, the word "financial emergency" has been mentioned among the financial sector more and more frequently. The basic signification of "financial emergency" can be generalized as follow: It is a sort of unexpected events which has been triggered by stochastic actors or systemic mistakes, has negative effects that may lead to a large area of systemic functional falling-off or lose among financial sector, and even can destroy the order of society and economy. There are some characteristics of financial emergency: occurs all of sudden; has been triggered by complicated factors; has systemic devastating power; must be settled as soon as possible; the controlling fiscal cost of it is great. Considering these characteristics of financial emergency, it is very important to find out how to build a management system for financial emergency among financial sector since it is a sector which has broad relations with society and provides broad services to the public.At present, the financial emergency management has been paid much attention to by many scholars in and out of China, but there are fruits in economic area more than those in jurisprudential area. In practice, financial emergency often has been managed by active interference from administrative power. This kind of irregular practice can hardly make the management of financial emergency efficiently. It is evident that the Rule of Law can provide are liable institutional guarantee for controlling emergencies. During the period of the emergency, it is easier to find out the defects of the legal system, which is covered during the normal state. Therefore, it is conducive to further improving the legal system and to promoting the Rule of Law by leaps and bounds. At the same time, we need to pay attention to the limits of rules that are made during the state of emergency, to adhere to the principles guiding the exercise of emergency powers, to establish new mechanics of law with the purpose of improving the Rule of Law in China. Therefore juristic researches on the financial emergency management have very important meaning both in theory and practice.The main frame of this paper is based on two parts: on the one side, before defining the meaning of financial emergency, analysis the relationship amongfinancial emergency, financial risk and financial crisis so as to build a foundation for the following discussing. The relationship among these three conceptions can be described like this: when financial risks are cumulated to some degree, they will lead to financial emergency, if financial emergency was mismanaged or beyond controlling, it will break out great systemic financial risks, and finally become serious financial crisis. The whole process of the financial crisis management can be divided to four phases: early warning, response and management, general treatment, recovery operating. Obviously, as financial emergency being in the early period of financial crisis, so the management of financial emergency is on the first and second phrase of financial crisis treatment-the early warning, response and management.On the other side, making the financial emergency management as a main clue of the whole paper, researches are carried out from four parts-early warning, activation of emergency management plan, hurry-up treatment, assessment and accountability working after treatment. The paper suggests that some hurry-up legal system should be set up for the four parts mentioned above. During the phrase of early warning, a forecasting and supervising system should be built for the sound working of the financial sector. During the phrase of the activation of emergency management plan, a procedure should be designed that demand the supervisor response to the financial emergency immediately and take necessary measures to control it in time, otherwise, the supervisor should be punished by law. During the hurry-up treatment phrase, in order to deal with the eme

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】447

