

The Studies on the Interactive Mechanism of Information Service in Library

【作者】 彭玲玲

【导师】 袁琳;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 图书馆学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 读者服务工作是图书馆全部工作的出发点与归宿,图书馆的最终目的是要为读者提供优质的服务,提供让读者满意的服务。为了让读者满意,图书馆就要充分认识读者的需要,找准其需求点,从而提供针对性的服务,即一种以读者为中心的互动型服务。在图书馆的服务中,要建立起图书馆与读者之间的良好互动关系,一方面要求图书馆尽量满足读者的需求,一方面图书馆又要积极引导读者参与到图书馆的各项工作中来,以实现图书馆与读者之间的一种长期协调,双向交流,相互影响与相互促进。可以说,加强图书馆与读者之间的交流与互动,不仅是为读者提供优质服务的需要,也是图书馆实现其自身社会价值的需要。从现在图书馆界的研究来看,对于图书馆与读者之间的“互动”这一主题的研究还不多,这应该引起我们的重视。 本文将图书馆与读者之间的“互动”作为一个理念提出来,从理论上对其进行了论述,并结合国内图书馆服务工作的实际情况,阐述了互动在图书馆服务中的主要体现。同时,文章在借鉴国内外的相关成果并引入其他学科的相关观点与方法的基础上,就如何构建图书馆服务中的互动机制这一问题提出了一系列看法。 本文论述的重点主要在两方面,一是通过对国内图书馆服务的调查,分析互动在图书馆读者服务中的主要表现,二是通过对图书馆互动现象的分析,论述图书馆信息服务中互动机制的建立。为此,文章分为四个部分进行了研究:第一部分从互动的涵义、类型、特点、实质、功能等几方面对互动进行了概述;第二部分通过对国内部分图书馆服务的网上调查和实地调研,分析总结了互动在图书馆读者服务中的主要表现,包括在服务意识与精神上的体现、在服务组织上的体现和在服务行为上的体现;第三部分就如何在图书馆服务中构筑良好的互动机制提出了几点看法,包括建立有效的服务评价标准、引入行销观念、强化图书馆与读者的沟通、引入CRM、培养图书馆工作人员的关系能力等。第四部分则在前面分析研究的基础上,提出了一些互动式服务要注意的问题,包括强化图书馆员和读者的互动意识、图书馆应加强几种互动式服务的建设、对服务人员进行行为规范和积极开发读者资源等,期望引起图书馆界的思考与重视。

【Abstract】 User service is very important for library. The goal of library is providing good services and satisfying users. In order to realize the goal, library should recognize users’ needs very well, and then provide good service, which can be called interactive service based on users’ needs. To develop a good interaction relation between library and users, we should, on one hand, try our best to meet users’ needs; on the other hand, we should induce users to participate in all kinds of work of the library. We can see, enhancing the communication and interaction between library and users is not only the need of providing good service, but the need of realizing library’s value. From current researches, we can’t find many on this theme. So we should pay more attention on this topic.The dissertation puts forward the interaction between library and users as an idea. It discusses the theme theoretically and expounds the main representations of interaction in library service according to the performance of domestic libraries. At the same time, based on referencing internal and overseas researches and introducing correlative points and methods of other subjects, it provides a series of views on how to develop an interactive mechanism in library service.The dissertation concentrates on two main aspects: one is analyzing the main representations of interaction in library service through surveying some libraries’ services; the other is about how to develop a good interactive mechanism in library service. It consists of four parts. The first part discusses interaction theoretically, including the meaning, the kinds, the characteristics, the essential and the function of interaction. The second part analyzes and summarizes the main representations of interaction in library service, based on surveying some online libraries. The third part provides some opinions on how to develop an interactive mechanism in library service, including developing an effective evaluation standard on library service, introducing the marketing concept, strengthening the communication between library and users, the introducing of CRM, training the relationship quality of librarian. The fourth part points out some problems we should pay attention to and hopes for more consideration and recognition, including strengthening interaction consciousness of librarians and users, reinforcing several services based on interaction, making librarians’ behaviors normative, and exploiting user resources actively.(11 diagrams, 8 tables)

【关键词】 图书馆信息服务互动互动机制
【Key words】 libraryinformation serviceinteractioninteractive mechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G252
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1163

