

A Study on the CRM-ASP Model for SMEs

【作者】 尹开国

【导师】 詹德优;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 图书馆学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 为了在日益激烈的市场竞争中生存和发展,越来越多的中小企业正积极寻求实施客户关系管理(CRM)。企业内部自主开发CRM所需周期长、投资大,令一般中小企业难以承受。应用托管(ASP)被普遍认为将是企业使用软件的主导模式,它通过建立公共的IT应用平台为企业提供应用租赁服务,有助于企业投入相对少的资金而获得较高的应用软件价值,其财务上的益处以及风险的转移使得很多企业用户放弃了永久许可证模式。CRM因其主要面向外部应用、分布式、移动性等应用特征被认为是ASP应用最为理想的领域。CRM-ASP模式在美国已经得到蓬勃的发展,国内市场正处于启蒙阶段,市场潜力广阔,无论对于广大中小企业还是对于有意进入此领域的IT厂商来说都是很好的机会。 本文的总体目标正是为寻求实施CRM的国内中小企业、意图在ASP领域寻求发展的IT厂商提供较为系统深入的CRM-ASP模式分析。基于此目标,本文研究的核心在于从理论和实践意义上探讨中小企业使用ASP模式实现CRM的可行性,以及CRM-ASP应用产品如何从功能、技术上满足中小企业应用需求。文章的主体部分由理论研究和实证研究构成。 文章在第一章绪论部分对选题缘起和意义、研究现状、研究内容和方法以及研究的创新点作了简要的说明,以期形成对于本项选题研究背景、选题意义和研究方法、过程总的认识。 文章第一部分暨理论研究部分试图建立后续实证研究的基础。第二章系统总结了CRM的定义、技术和市场态势,并对国内外代表性CRM厂商作了比较详细的介绍,以期形成对CRM的总体把握。第三章解释了为什么中小企业需要实施CRM策略,强调了CRM在企业电子商务中的战略重要性和企业因之可能获得的种种利益。第四章首先描述了中小企业实现CRM的几个关键过程,包括建立统一的CRM视图、定义CRM需求、评估CRM就绪状态等;在此基础上文章进而比较分析了企业实施CRM所可能采取的内部自主发展与外部托管两种方法的优劣,得出“外包CRM对于大多数中小企业而言是一种更好的选择”这样一个结论;为了对CRM实施风险有所认识,第四章末对实施CRM可能遇到的主要问题分别做了说明。第五章从ASP定义、ASP分类、ASP应用和市场等方面概括性介绍了ASP相关知识;同一章中文章阐述了使用ASP服务的一般优点和风险,进而重点分析了CRM-ASP模式的优势与风险所在,得出的结论是使用ASP模式实施CRM的优势要超过其劣势,这样中小企业就有可能从使用ASPs提供的应用服务中获益,从第四章所了解到的蓬勃发展的ASP市场也从实践上证明了这一点。 理论研究的目的是尽可能在CRM、中小企业和ASP模式三者之间建立联结关系,论述中小企业选择ASP应用实施CRM的可行性,从而指出实证研究问题:在产品和服务方面,ASP模式如何恰当的定位CRM功能并有效的满足中小企业应用需求,中小企业又能通过选择CRM一ASP模式获得多大的商业价值。第二部分实证研究试图通过比较和分析目前两款主流CRM一ASP产品:Upshot公司的UPshot和Salesforce.com公司的专业版本(SPE)对上述实证研究问题予以解答。 文章第二部分暨第六章从以下三个角度来进行实证比较研究:应用的商业价值、应用功能及关键技术特征,并将重点放在后面两类上,这是为了对国内目前相当有限的ASP研究做一些系统补充,特别是从技术方面。尽管研究发现,就总体评估记分而言Salesforce.com比Upshot有轻微优势,结果同时也表明所选择的两项应用之间不存在重大区别,不论是从商业价值还是从功能、技术特征方面来说。值得着重指出的是,文章所研究的CRM一ASP应用模式对于传统CRM应用解决方案来说在拥有总成本方面拥有非常突出的竞争优势,这对于寻求实施CRM的中小企业来说是一个福音。 实证研究表明预期实施CRM的中小企业应着手从本项实证研究所覆盖的产品功能、安全性、用户界面及用户支持、集成性、扩展性等关键技术特征方面对候选ASP产品实施全面的调查。实证研究中发展出来的评估记分卡对于中小企业选择实施CRM一ASP产品应用是一个实用的工具。另外,中小企业应该清楚地认识到使用ASP产品的风险,并积极运用相关的机制进行规避,这是非常重要的一点。 文章第三部分暨第七章对全文研究作了概要性总结,并结合ASP模式在图书情报领域的应用做了初步探讨,认为基于图书馆联盟建设区域性、行业性、专业性的网络图书馆是应用ASP模式实现图书情报机构信息化建设跨越式发展的一个很好的选择。文章在结论部分还对本项研究的局限性和进一步研究的建议作了说明。 全文含图n幅,表13个。

【Abstract】 In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition day by day, more and more SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) are exploring actively to implement CRM. Developing CRM inhome will last long and be very expensive, which make most of SMEs difficult to afford. ASP(Application Service Provider) is generally thought of as a dominating model with which enterprises use software. ASPs set up a public IT platform to offer service of leasing for enterprises, which can not only improve the whole society IT investment efficiency, but also reduce IT investment risk of single enterprise. CRM is considered to be an ideal field of ASP application because of its characteristics of outside-oritented applicailton, distribution, movement etc. CRM-ASP model has got flourishing development in U.S.A. At the same time, the domestic market is still at the stage of teaching beginners. Obviously the market potential is wide, so we can say there is a good chance of CRM-ASP to SMEs and to IT companies who are trying to enter this market.The overall goal of this paper is to offer a systematic and deep analysis of business model to SMEs who prepare to select CRM-ASP products and to domestic IT companies related. To service this goal, the core of this research is to explore the feasibility of SMEs to implement CRM with ASP products from theoretic and practical point of view, and to explore how ASPs locate their application functions and satisfy SMEs’ requests. This paper is formed by theoretical research and empirical research mainly.Chapter one, an introduction, make a brief explanation for the significance of selected title, current situation of relative research, research contents, method and innovation of the research, which give a total understanding of research background, research significance, research approach and course.Part I, a theoretical research, is the foundation of empirical research afterwards. Chapter two systemetically summarize the definition, technology, market situation of CRM, then make a detailed introduction to domestic and international representative CRM companies. Chapter three explains why SMEs need CRM, emphasize its strategic importance and all sorts of interests that SMEs will obtain from it. Chapterfour describes several key courses in which SMEs may implement CRM, such as setting up a unified CRM view, defining CRM demands, assessming the state of preparation etc. Chapter four then compares and analyzes the advantages and shortcomings of the two approaches, developing CRM inhome and outsoursing it to ASPs. The findings indicate outsoursing CRM to ASPs is a better choice to most SMEs. To support this conclusion, chapter five finds selecting ASP model has an advantage by defining and deviding ASP, describing ASP application and market situation, identifying its belefits and potential risks.The purpose of part I, the theoretical research, is to establish the association among CRM, SMEs and ASP model as much as possible, which is used to testify that it is feasible for SMEs to implement CRM with ASP model. Then the paper points out the question of empirical research: from the point of view of products and service offered actually, how ASPs effectively locate CRM functions and satisfy the requests of SMEs, and how much business value SMEs can abtain from selecting application service from ASPs. Part II, an empirical research is arranged to answer the above-mentioned questions by comparing and analyzing two current dominating CRM-ASP products: Upshot’s Upshot and Salesforce.com’s SPE.Empirical research in chapter six carry on a comparative study on the selected products from three aspects: commercial value, functions and key technology characteristics, and put the focal point on the two latter aspects with an object to offer a systematic supplement to fairly limited research on ASP especially from technology perspective nowadays. The result of the empirical study indicates that there is no a significant difference between two applications chosen, whether from technological characterist

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F276.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】579

