

A Research on Architecture Mode of Electronic Reference Resources

【作者】 谭明君

【导师】 詹德优;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 图书馆学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我们正处于一个社会经济和科学技术高速发展的信息时代,信息技术的广泛应用深刻影响着社会的方方面面,同时也带来了以信息知识为载体的图书馆的巨大变化。参考服务作为图书馆的一项基础和战略性的工作,在新的信息环境下发生着一系列的深刻变革。 参考服务的顺利开展必须依赖丰富可靠的参考信息源。网络环境下,传统参考服务向网络参考服务的方向发展,参考信息源也由原来单一的印刷型参考源转变为印刷型参考源和电子参考源并重。电子参考源的概念突破了传统“馆藏”的概念,将资源扩展到整个网络。而如何从纷繁复杂的网络环境中筛选、组织有价值的参考资源,满足用户的信息需求,是参考服务部门首要关注的问题。 基于以上背景,本文以电子参考源的构建模式为题,从电子参考源的概念入手,论述电子参考源的类型划分、选择原则、组织方式等,并对电子参考源的共建共享进行一些探讨。 文章分为5个章节,共7万余字,各章节主要内容概括如下: (1)电子参考源概述。定义电子参考源,并简要论述电子参考源的特点及其对参考服务工作的影响。 (2)各类型电子参考源研究。从微观角度将电子参考源分为数据库、传统工具书的电子版、搜索引擎、电子期刊等类型,并对各类型电子参考源作详细论述。 (3)电子参考源的选择。从宏观角度对电子参考源的选择原则、选择标准、发展政策、选择方法等进行一些探讨。 (4)电子参考源导航体系的构建。图书馆为用户提供高效的网络参考服务,不仅依赖于高质量的电子参考资源,还依赖于电子资源的合理组织。在这一章节,笔者对电子参考源导航体系进行了一些介绍和分析,论述了导航体系的组织方式、组织形式及提高导航体系质量的措施。 (5)电子参考源的共建共享。从网络环境下资源共建共享机制的变革谈起,探讨电子参考源共建共享途径。

【Abstract】 We are in an information age when social science and technology is being developed at a high speed. The extensive application of information technology has influenced the society in every field and brought enormous changes to libraries which hold information knowledge at the same time. As basic and strategic work of libraries, reference services have also changed greatly in the new information environment.Reference service must rely on abundant and reliable reference resources. Under the environment of network, the traditional reference services have evolved to digital reference services. Traditional printed reference materials also change to electronic reference resources. The concept of electronic reference resource breaks the traditional concept of "in-house collection" and expands to the whole network.. How to select and organize valuable reference materials under the complicated network environment and fulfill the information demands of users, is the primary question that reference department pays close attention to.Based on the background above, "the architecture mode of electronic reference resources" is made the title of this article. It starts with the concept of electronic reference resources, discusses the types, selecting principles, organizing mode of electronic reference resources. Information sharing of reference materials is also discussed in this article.The whole article is divided into five chapters, totally more than 70,000 words. The main content of each chapter is summarized as follows:(1) Summary of electronic reference resources. Give a definition to electronic reference resources and summarize its characteristics. The influence to reference work is also discussed.(2) Research on various types of electronic reference resources. Divide electronic reference resources into various types such as database, electronic reference book, search engine, electronic journal from micro-angle and describe the types in detail.(3) Selection of electronic reference resources. Discuss selecting principle, criteria, developing policy, selecting methods of electronic reference resources from macro-angle.(4) navigation system’s construction of electronic reference resources. This chapter analyses the organizing mode of navigation system, measures that improve navigation system quality are also discussed.(5) Sharing of electronic reference resources. This chapter starts with change of sharing mechanism under the network environment, discusses approaches of information sharing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G250.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】275

