

The Demoted Poets of the Late Tang and Demotion Literature

【作者】 邹运月

【导师】 尚永亮;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合晚唐的时政朝局和贬官制度,考察了晚唐各朝文士诗人贬官的原因和发展态势;并结合晚唐诗人的生命状态,以韩偓、吴融、钱珝为中心,对晚唐贬谪文学进行了探讨。 第一章,通过对贬官的构成因素、唐代贬官类型的分析,以及对几种未被史书明言为贬的外任的辨析,对哪些情况属贬官进行了约略界定。 第二章,结合朝政时局、考察了晚唐各朝的贬官的情况,进而对晚唐贬官的发展态势和影响因素进行了探讨。 第三章,以科举入仕为切入点,分析了晚唐诗人群体与贬官群体错位的原因,进而探讨了晚唐诗人的生命状态及对贬谪文学的影响。 第四章,对晚唐贬谪文学的概况及以裴夷直、李德裕为主体的前期贬谪文学进行了约略论述;重点探讨了吴融、钱珝、韩偓等人贬后的心态发展和文学创作,进而对晚唐后期贬谪文学的艺术特征和成因进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 With careful consideration of political situation and demotion system of the Late Tang , this thesis attempts to look into the reasons and tendency of demotion literati poets experienced in each period of the Late Tang. To get a further step, the author makes a study of the literature works by those banished literati poets, among whom Han wo; Wu rong and Qian xu are singled out as typical figures, putting special attention to their living and spiritual status under the certain historical and cultural background.In chapter I, the author is to establish the reasonable definition of "demoted official", which is of vital importance for further research about it . The definition is established based on through analysis about the factors and types of demotion, in addition to that, several kinds of cases ,which are not clearly referred to as "demotion" by previous historical scholars,while in which the officials were transferred or banished from the capital city to other districts, are included as well.In chapter II, according to the different periods of the Late Tang, the author makes a elabrated investigation of the demotion cases happened in each period from the perspectives of history and political background.In chapter III, imperial examination, which was an important approach to the court, is chosen as the footing point to find out the reason why the demoted officials can’t simply be identified with demoted literati poets of the Late Tang. Additionally, the living and spiritual status of literati poets of the Late Tang ,and the consequent influence upon the demotion literature are discussed.In chapter IV, section one briefly introduces general situation of demotion literature of the whole Late Tang and then that of the first half period, in which Pei yi-zhi and Li de-yu are singled out as examples. Section two, three and four deal with Wu rong ;Han wo and Qian xu respectively, focusing on their psychological changes and literary creation, before and after their being banished from the capital city. Section five covers the artistic characteristics and influential factors of demotion literature of the second half period of the Late Tang.

【关键词】 晚唐贬谪诗人贬谪文学
【Key words】 the Late Tangdemoted literati poetsdemotion literature
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】628

