

The Research and Application of a Grid Certificate System

【作者】 周乙

【导师】 徐仁佐;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 软件工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 网格安全问题时网格计算中的一个核心问题。由于目前网格安全的国际标准还处在制定阶段,包括全球网格论坛GGF(Global Grid Forum)、对象管理组织OMG(Object Management Group)、万维网联盟W3C(World Wide Web Consortium)以及Globus项目组在内的诸多团体都试图争夺网格标准的制定权。 网格安全是国家利益、集体利益和用户切身利益的大事,是只能依靠我国自身力量发展的技术。其中,用户访问身份验证技术能够确认参与加密对话的实体的身份,防止黑客伪造身份、恶意窃听和篡改,在网格计算的通信安全和资源访问安全方面起到重要的保护作用。 本文以网络计算中的安全认证技术为背景,首先从网格计算所面临的安全威胁着手,讲述了现在普遍采用的四种安全模型,并进一步探讨如何利用安全认证技术构筑一个可靠高效的认证系统,提出一种新的模型体系,并设计一个认证支持系统。

【Abstract】 Grid security is the kernel of Grid computations. There is not an uniform international standard of grid security now, Some international organizations, such as GGF( Global Grid Forum) OMG( Object Management Group) W3C( World Wide Web Consortium) and Globus Grid Forum, are instituting the standards of grid security by themselves and contesting the right to became the international standard.The Grid Security is closely related to the immediate interests of our country, society and subscribers, which only can be developed by technology power of our own. Among these, Client Access Authentication Technology ensures encrypting communications participator’s identification against hacker’s fabricating status, malicious bugging and distorting, and plays an important role in protecting the security of Grid computations communication and recourses accessing.This paper focuses on the Grid Security and it elaborates on the application of security certificate technology. We will list the threaten on the Grid computations, then we analyze the grid security structure, to state the four models. We will introduce the principles of the models, and introduce how to create a safety Certificate Authority (CA) System. And in this article, a new model will be created and a new certificate authority system will be established.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】274

