

The System of Storage Battery Intelligence Charge and Discharge and Its Centralized-control

【作者】 唐明明

【导师】 殷小贡;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 蓄电池作为机车上的直流电源,对机车运行起着重要的作用。在机车的定期维修保养中,都要对机车蓄电池进行规范的充放电保养。目前,机务段所采用的充放电装置功能单一,一般只能进行简单的充电和放电,而对被充电电池的状态不能检测,对有故障的蓄电池不能进行判别,很难准确地控制蓄电池充放电,而且充放电现场有酸雾的侵蚀,环境恶劣,危害着操作人员的身体健康。针对存在的这些问题,我们研制了一种新型的蓄电池智能充放电系统,以提高蓄电池的充放电质量,缩短充放电时间,延长蓄电池使用寿命,并且对充放电机实行集群控制,提高工作效率,改善操作人员的工作环境。 本论文首先综述了蓄电池及其充放电机的发展动态,蓄电池的性能、特点及其充放电工艺要求,根据机车蓄电池保养、维护工作的要求和特点,提出了蓄电池智能充放电系统的设计方案:该充放电机采用DSP控制主回路,单片机进行管理的方案,且通过单片机与后台机的通信联系,实现后台机对多台充放电机的集中控制和管理。该系统可以方便地选择充放电工艺曲线;自动跟踪工艺曲线控制充放电过程;出现异常情况时可以报警并自动进行处理(暂停或停机);充放电过程的控制既可由前台单片机执行,也可由后台机PC机执行;后台机的数据库具有强大的管理功能。本论文完成了智能充放电机的硬件结构设计,包括对主回路、DSP、单片机、后台机部分的硬件设计;电压、电流、温度参数的采集电路设计及数据处理;系统软件的开发调试(后台机控制程序和管理程序设计;单片机通信软件设计;充放电曲线绘制软件设计;以及数据库设计)。实现了系统的通信设计以及集群控制。重点论述了后台机的软件设计以及软件设计过程中所用到的多线程、曲线平滑、软件可靠性、数据库开发技术等。 本论文设计中,充放电系统的核心采用DSP;使用两级多路开关循环选通的方法,巧妙地解决了不共地单体电池电压信号的采集问题;对温度信号的采集使用了数字式温度计,多个并接后直接与单片机的I/O口相连,大大减少了信号联线;多台充放电机的充放电过程在后台机上以分屏的形式直观显示,画面灵活切换;对1—4台充放电机实行集群控制,大大提高了工作效率。

【Abstract】 Storage battery as the direct current power supply of the locomotive is important to the move of the locomotive. It is necessary to the storage battery of the locomotive to charge or discharge in the maintenance of the locomotive . Presently the charge and discharge equipments are very simple, can only do simple charge and discharge work and can not inspect the state of the storage battery which is charging or discharging, can not distinguish the fault storage battery and are difficult to control the process of charge and discharge. The bad environment harm the health of the workers. In allusion to these problems this article develop a new kind of storage battery intelligence charge and discharge system, in order to enhances the quality of charge and discharge, shortens the time of charge and discharge process, prolongs the life of the storage battery. It centralized-controls the charge and discharge machine, enhances the word efficiency, improves the work environment of works.This article investigates the developments of the storage battery and storage battery intelligence charge and discharge system. Bring forward a project of storage battery intelligence charge and discharge system according as the characteristic of maintenance of the storage battery in the locomotive. The system uses the project that DSP controls main loop, SCM manages the process.Introduces its design of hardware, the circuit design of voltage , current, temperature data collection and data process. The article emphasizes the software of PC, the design of database and multithreading , curve describing, software dependability technology which are used in the process of the software design. It also Introduces the communications software design of SCM simply.The charge and discharge machine designed in this article uses DSP technology .It contracts PC by SCM, enhances the quality of charge and discharge, shortens the time of charge and discharge process , prolongs the life of the storage battery. It centralized-controls the charge and discharge machine, enhances the word efficiency, improves the work environment of works.

【关键词】 蓄电池智能充放电集群控制DSP
【Key words】 storage batteryintelligencecharge dischargecentralized-control
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TM912
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】768

