

On the Composing Elements and Legal Consequences of the Fundamental Breach of Contract

【作者】 全魁胜

【导师】 左海聪;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 根本违约制度是国际贸易中重要的合同制度,在《联合国货物销售合同公约》中处于基石地位。根本违约制度的重心在于其认定,亦即对于根本违约构成要件的把握。本文从根本违约构成要件及法律后果两方面,论述了两大法系及国际立法在根本违约构成要件和法律后果规定的异同。 第一章概述根本违约制度的含义、起源和意义。 第二章从各国态度、公约规定、相关案例学说等方面论述两大法系代表性国家在根本违约构成要件方面的规定,概括其异同。 第三章论述具体违约形态中的认定。这一部分主要是结合英美法中的预期违约、大陆法系中的履行不能、拒绝履行、迟延履行以及瑕疵履行等具体违约形态探讨根本违约的认定。 第四章论述根本违约产生的法律后果。根本违约产生两方面的法律后果:非违约方有权选择解除合同;阻却根本违约方援引免责条款免责。 在结束语部分,联系中国的合同法理论与实践,对我国采纳根本违约制度进行了简要的评述。

【Abstract】 The system of fundamental breach of contract is the important contract system in international trade, in status of the foundation stone in " United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ". The main part of this system lies in determing its forming elements. This text discusses the similarities and differences in the forming elements in different foreign countries’ and international laws, in two aspects of the forming elements and the legal effects.Chapter one tells the origin and meaning of the system of the fundamental breach contract.Chapter two, from the attitudes of various countries, international conventions, relevant case theories, etc., compares their contract regulations and summarizes its similarities and differences.Chapter three is on the determing fundamental breach of contract in the concrete forms of breaches. This part mainly discusses it from the angle of anticipatory breach in Great Britain and U.S. contract laws, and impossibility of performance , refuse to perform, perform in delaying and flaw performance.Chapter four describes the legal consequences produced by fundamental breach. It produces the legal consequences of two respects to commit a fundamental breach: The non-delinquent party has the right to choose the rescission of the contract; Hinder the delinquent party cannot quote the exempt responsibility clause.In conclusion part , the author contacts the contract law theory and practice in China , makes a brief comment on the breach system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D99
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】796

