

On the Illegitimate Competition Behavior in the Marketing

【作者】 罗超

【导师】 宁立志;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以商品(包括营利性服务)的生产规律为依据,将市场经济中出现的不正当竞争行为划分为产品生产中的不正当竞争行为与市场营销中的不正当竞争行为两大类,划分二者的临界点是:产品的生产活动已经结束、与销售有关的活动已经开始。在此分类基础上,以市场营销中的不正当竞争行为为研究对象,分别对其含义、特征、理论分类、价值取向、研究的意义、与产品生产中不正当竞争行为的关系及有关立法建议作了较为详尽的论述。另外,随着我国市场经济的不断发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,与之伴随的不正当竞争行为也日益增多,面对这些纷繁复杂的不正当竞争行为,如何去认定其不正当性呢?本文第一章“概述”第六部分详尽地阐述了认定竞争行为不正当性的三个要件,其中在“实施了违反法律或善良风俗”要件中对“善良风俗”的含义提出了自己的见解。 在对市场营销中不正当竞争行为概述后,本文即以上述市场营销不正当竞争行为的理论分类为框架,系统地对市场营销中价格策略、渠道策略、广告策略、促销策略中出现的不正当竞争行为分别进行了阐述,以使遇到市场营销中类似的现象时能够准确地予以认定。 价格策略中的不正当竞争行为包括商业贿赂行为、低价倾销行为与还本销售行为,该类行为的共同点是通过各种方式,如给予财物、帐外回扣、降低价格、返还购物款等,达到实际降低价格的目的。 渠道策略中的不正当竞争行为包括非法传销行为与以制造商或批发商身份销售商品的行为,该类行为发生在产品的分销渠道中,表现为行为人对分销方式的不当利用。 广告策略中的不正当竞争行为包括引人误解的虚假宣传行为与不正当比较广告行为两类。此类行为表现在产品的宣传领域,意在对消费者进行误导。 促销策略中的不正当竞争行为包括附条件交易行为与不正当有奖销售行为。促销策略与广告策略的不同之处在于,前者着眼于短期利益,而后者追求的是长期的市场份额。 以上所述各类行为中的商业贿赂行为、低价倾销行为、引人误解的虚假宣传行为、附条件交易行为以及不正当有奖销售行为在我国的立法与理论界己论述较为完备,而还本销售行为、非法传销与以制造商或批发商身份销售商品的行为以及不正当比较广告行为则是现行法没有规定的,本文对其予以详述并表达了自己的些许观点。另外,对于市场营销活动中出现的低毁商誉行为、侵犯商业秘密行为,由于不便划入上述各营销策略之中,笔者将其归为“市场营销中其他的不正当竞争行为”一类,且由于现有学说对其论述己较为完备,在此就没有述及。 理论研究的目的是为实践服务,本文的出发点即是如此。笔者希望文中对市场营销中不正当竞争行为的系统研究,能给企业的市场营销活动提供有益的帮助,使其在符合法律规定与善良风俗的范围内有效地参与竞争!

【Abstract】 This thesis is based on productive law of the goods (include the profit-generating service), and divide the illegitimate competition behavior appearing in market-oriented economy into the two classes: illegitimate competition behavior in the production of goods and illegitimate competition behavior in the marketing of the goods. The critical point of dividing is: the activity in production of the products has already been finished, the activity related to selling has already begun. On the foundation of this category, Author regard illegitimate competition behavior in the marketing as the research object, precisely expatiate on its conception, character, theory classification, value orientation, meaningfulness, relation with illegitimate competition behavior in production of goods and proposal for legislation. In addition, with the constant development of the market economy of our country, the competition is becoming fiercer, and at the same time the illegitimate competition behavior is increasing. In the face of these numerous and complicated illegitimate competition behaviors, how to judge it is illegitimate? The sixth part of chapter one " Summary " in this thesis explained precisely on 3 important factors to judge that competition behavior is illegitimate and has put forward author’s own opinion on the meaning of" kindhearted custom".After the summary of illegitimate competition behavior in marketing, based on above-mentioned theory classification, author expatiate systematically upon illegitimate competition behavior which appears in price strategy in marketing, channel tactics, advertising tactics, promotion tactics separately, in order to assert accurately when meeting the similar phenomenon in the marketing.Illegitimate competition behavior in price strategy includes commerce bribe, low-price dumping and repaying-principal selling. The common character of these behaviors is that achieves the goal of reducing the price actually through various kinds of way, such as offering property, discount off the account, reducing price, returning shopping charge, etc.Illegitimate competition behavior in channel strategy includes the illegal multiple level marketing behavior and selling goods in the status of manufacturers orthe whole seller. These behaviors appear in distribution channel of products in formof using distribution way improperly.Illegitimate competition behavior among the advertising tactics includes misleading and false propaganda, improper comparative advertising. This kind of behavior behaves in the field of propaganda of the products with an intention to mislead consumers.Illegitimate competition behavior in promotion tactics includes trading activity with conditions and selling goods with improper prize. The difference between promote tactics and advertising tactics lies in that the former focuses on short-term interests, and what the latter pursues is long- term market share.In all kinds of above-stated behaviors, commercial bribery, low-price dumping, misleading false propaganda, trading activity with conditions and selling goods with improper prize has been expounded in our country’ legislation and theory circle completely. Repaying-principal selling, illegal multiple level marketing behavior of goods, selling goods in the status of manufacturers or the whole seller and improper comparative advertising hasn’t been regulated by current law. The thesis has detailed and expressed some one’s own views on it.The purpose of the theoretical research is serving for practice, the starting point of this thesis is like this. I hope the systematic study on illegitimate competition behavior in marketing can provide helps for the marketing activities of enterprises, and make it accord with legal provisions and range of the kindhearted custom and participate in competing effectively!

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】908

