

A Study on the Raise and the Market Management Mode of China Social Security Fund

【作者】 梁峻刚

【导师】 李珍;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 社会保障, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 社会保障体系是一国经济走向现代化的重要组成部分,同时也是现代化市场经济大厦建设的基石。社会保障基金是通过国民收入的分配与再分配所形成的以承担“社会稳定器”为职能的专用基金。由社会保险、社会救助、社会公积和民间福利性基金等项内容组成。社会保险基金存在的主要职能,是降低或消除未来不确定性对个人和家庭的伤害。 我国是一个处于转轨过渡期的发展中国家,随着经济的起飞与市场经济体系的推进,原有的社会保障体系已经不能发挥其积极的功能,而新型的社会保障体系的建设则遇到了一系列的问题,如财政的筹资能力,企业转制及负担过重,人口老龄化带来的保障支出上升过快,基金统筹能力有限等等。而与社会保障体系有效运行相关的问题是社会保障基金的投资运营。社会保障基金的运作不仅需要筹集与积累基金,而且要实现基金的保值与增殖,而实现保值与增殖的基本途径就是实现基金的投资运作。显然,资本市场应该是社会保障基金投资的最重要的渠道之一。通过社会保障基金的市场化运营达到使其保值增殖的目的,实现基金的稳定收益。 从社保基金的市场化投资运作看,面临着一系列的问题需要解决。同时,我们也应该看到,从各国社保基金的运作的模式看,虽然条件差异很大,但是基金投资运作取得的收益也是十分明显的。关键在于基金投资的组织管理体系与市场的监管。所以,我们相信在一个良好的市场氛围之下,通过合理有效的市场化运作,社会保障基金还是能很好的实现其保值增殖目的的。 本文包括四个部分:第一章对社会保障基金的筹集与管理模式进行探讨;第二章主要探讨社会保障基金的市场化投资模式;第三章有关社会保障基金的监管模式;第四章有关于政府相关的立法和政策支持。

【Abstract】 The social security system is a important part helpful to the modernization of a country. The social security fund is the special fund that acts as "social steady machine" through distribution and re-distribution of the national income. What’s more, the social security fund could perform its duty of ensuring better only if it possesses enough solvency. With China entering the era of aging countries, the social security fund is confronting growing pressure of the payment. It is necessary to study the investment of social security fund for us now, such as management mode, investment way, supervision mode, and so on.The collection and application of the social security fund play an extremely role in the whole social security system. During these years’ practice, a lot of problems have been exposed, especially on the aspect that concerning the investment and operation of the social security fund. It is really high time that we should realize this point of view. To solve the problems, the key is on the basis of both building a effective management system of the investment of the social security fund and strengthening the supervision of the market.We do believe that the social security fund can realize the aim that maintaining and even increasing its value through reasonable and effective operation in a fine environment.The whole paper consists of four parts. Chapter I mainly deals with the raise of the social security fund; Chapter II specifically illustrates how to build a effective marketing system of the social security fund, Chapter III explicitly states the supervision of the market of the social security funds’investment; Finally ,Chapter IV gives some advice that the government should give.

【关键词】 社会保障基金筹集市场运营监管
【Key words】 the social security fundraise moneyoperationsupervision
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F842
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】675

