

Probe on Management System of Employment Injury Insurance in China

【作者】 杨远志

【导师】 邓大松;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 社会保障, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年4月27日国务院颁布了《工伤保险条例》并于2004年1月1日起付诸施行。由于我国《工伤保险条例》的实施刚刚开始,迫切需要解决的主要问题之一是建立和完善相应的管理制度。工伤保险的管理制度从层次上来讲,可以分为制度管理、监督管理和操作管理,而本文是按照工伤保险业务的运行环节来论述其管理制度的建设的,即从工伤认定和劳动能力鉴定、基金的筹集、基金支付几个方面来展开讨论管理问题的。 全文由引言和四章正文组成。 作为构建工伤保险管理制度的起点,论文第一章归纳和介绍了我国工伤保险的基本原则与主要内容。基本原则引言阐述了选题的目的与意义,研究的方法和在理论上力图做出的创新之处。包括八个方面:与社会主义初级阶段生产力发展水平相适应的原则;倡导社会主义道德风尚的原则;切实维护和保障劳动者的基本权益的原则;中央确定基本政策与地方制定具体政策相互衔接的原则;权利与义务相对应的原则;无责任补偿的原则;以支定收,收支平衡的原则;新老制度和政策平稳过渡的原则。主要内容可归纳为四个方面:工伤保险制度的适用范围与认定工伤的范围;工伤认定、劳动能力鉴定与待遇保障;制度管理、监督管理与操作管理;行政人与行政相对人的责任。 第二章研究了工伤事故的认定与劳动能力的鉴定管理。先有工伤事故然后才有工伤保险,工伤保险的一切活动都是围绕工伤事故而展开的。因此本部分首先鉴定了工伤事故概念、工伤事故的特点和构成要素、工伤事故与伤亡事故比较,而后论述了认定工伤的机关及其程序,工伤认定的申请程序和工伤认定的方法。 对于劳动能力鉴定,在给出了劳动能力鉴定概念后,提出了劳动能力鉴定工作应遵循的原则以及劳动能力鉴定的标准。 第三章论述了工伤保险基金的筹集管理问题。集中分析了工伤保险基金的筹集原则和工伤保险基金的征缴管理与监督检查以及工伤保险费率的确定。基金的筹集原则包括:统一征收,分级管理原则;收支平衡,约有储备原则;实行差别费率原则;实行浮动费率原则;要切实考虑企业的实际承受能力的原则;以企业总工资额作为征收依据的原则;用人单位(雇主)缴费原则。工伤保险基金的征缴管理与监督检查主要讨论了征缴管理的内容;监督检查的形式和内容;缴费管理中的规制。工伤保险费率的确定从两个方面进行了分析,一是世界各国一般作法,二是我国的工伤保险费率制度的具体做法。 第四章讨论了工伤保险基金支付管理,主要分析了工伤保险基金支付的含义、项目、水平和支付的条件。并列出了在我国进行工伤保险支付操作时所应遵循的一些指标性规范。

【Abstract】 The State Council issued " Regulations of insurance for employment injury and occupational disease " on April 27, 2003 and have put it in practice since January 1 , 2004. Because of the newly implementing of " Regulations of workers compensation, insurance " in our country, one of the subject matters needing solving urgently is to set up and perfect the corresponding management system. The management system of workers compensation insurance can be divided into institutional management, supervisory management and operational management from hiberarchy. This text will discuss the construction of management system of t workers compensation insurance according to its function. That is to say, the article will discuss the problem of management from four parts: the cognition of workers compensation, appraisal of labor capacity, financing of funds and payment of funds.The full text is made up of introduction, conclusion and other four chapters. Introduction expounds the purpose and meaning of selected title, methods of research and the innovations of the theory.As the starting point of designing management system of workers compensation insurance, chapter one introduce and sum up the basic principle and main content of workers compensation insurance in our country. The basic principle includes eight respects: Principle of conformity with development level of productivity in primary stage of socialism; Principle of advocating socialist morality; principle of safeguarding and ensuring the laborer’s basic rights and interests faithfully; principle that the establishment of basic policy by Central authorities is conformity with the establishment of concrete policy by local authority; Principle that the right corresponds to obligation; Principle that there is no responsibility to compensate; principle that income is determined by consumption and the balance between revenue and expenditure ; principle that old system and policies transit smoothly into new system and p policies. The main content can be summed up for four respects: application Scope of workers compensation insurance system and the range of cognizing workers compensation; the cognition of workers compensation, appraisal of labor capacity and guarantee of treatment; institutional management, supervisory management and operational management; Responsibility of administrative people and relative people of administration.Chapter two will study the cognition of worker accident and the management ofappraisal of labor capacity. Workers compensation insurance is after worker accident, so all activities of Workers compensation insurance are surrounded worker accident. Therefore, this part defines firstly the concept of worker accident, the characteristics and key elements of worker accident, comparing of worker accident with casualty accident, and then expounded the institution and procedure that cognizing worker compensation, the application procedure and the methods of cognizing worker compensation.As to appraisal of labor capacity, after providing the concept of appraisal labor capacity, this text discussed the principles that appraising labor capacity must follow and the standards of appraising labor capacity .Chapter three will discuss raise and management of workers compensation insurance fund. This part mostly discusses the principal of raising workers compensation insurance fund, the management and supervision of collection the workers compensation insurance fund and pricing of premium rate of workers compensation insurance. The principle of raising the fund includes: The principle of collection in unison and management in grades; The principle of balance between revenue and expenditure, but nearly having storing ; The principal of premium rate in difference; The principle of floating premium rate; The principal of considering the enduring abilities of companies; The principle that raising fund is according to the total amount of wages of enterprises; The Principle that the employer pays the fees. The management and supervision of raising the workers co

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F842
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】908

