

Study on the Legal Issues of Export Subsidies in WTO

【作者】 阳明华

【导师】 左海聪;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 第二次世界大战以来,政府通过提供补贴的方式支持国内工业一直是各国财政政策的支柱。由于补贴涉及到一国的国内政策目标,包含大量的政治、文化和社会福利等非经济问题,使得国际贸易中的补贴问题变得纷繁复杂。因此,如何正确区分政府合法的补贴与非法的补贴,成为在国际贸易中推行补贴纪律必须首先要解决的一个问题。关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判方经过长期谈判,达成了《补贴与反补贴协议》,为国际贸易设定了一套较为明确的补贴纪律。但是,实体法条文总表现为一般的规范命题,其具体内容必须通过具体案件的处理才能显示出来。WTO各项协议由于是各国利益平衡的结果,其实体条文的语义就更为隐晦模糊。事实上,离开具体案例,几乎没有办法就WTO本身的内容展开任何实质性的讨论。通过事实上的遵循先例,WTO争端解决机构正在有意识地对每一类案件予以类型化,形成对该类案件特有的分析方法。通过案件的类型化,可以澄清WTO协议有关条文的具体内容,从而为国际贸易提供可预见性。 出口补贴由于直接对他国施加负担,相对于其它补贴来说对国际贸易的危害更大。本文通过研究WTO争端解决机构已通过的几个出口补贴案件,归纳概括出了争端解决机构审理出口补贴案件的基本分析方法,并就出口补贴中的若干重要法律问题结合争端解决机构的报告进行了初步的讨论。全文分为四章:第一章讨论了出口补贴案件审理过程中经常遇到的四个容易引起争议的先决问题,即可获得证据的说明、专家组审查范围与磋商范围间的关系、法律条文的适用顺序和GATT1994第16条第4款与SCM协定间的关系;第二章对补贴定义中的三个要素——政府或公共机构、财政资助和利益——进行了分析,其中特别对财政资助的含义进行了详细的讨论;第三章主要讨论出口补贴的认定,分为三个问题:法律上出口补贴与事实上出口补贴出口的认定、出口补贴抗辩的禁止和出口补贴的豁免;第四章在回顾国际法和GATT/WTO传统救济方式的基础上,讨论了出口补贴救济方式的新发展。最后,在结语部分简短总结了WTO争端解决机构审理出口补贴案件的基本分析方法。

【Abstract】 After the end of World War II, Supporting domestic industries has been the focus of every country’s fiscal policy through providing subsidies by government. As it concerns the domestic policy goals of a country and includes many political, cultural and social-welfare problems, subsidy is a very complicated issue in international trade. As a result, it is the prerequisite enforcing subsidy disciplines in international trade that how to tell the differences between lawful subsidies and illegal subsidies. After a long time-consuming period of negotiation, WTO members finally concluded the Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures,which sets up a series of explicit disciplines for international trade. As we know, whereas, the meaning of legal text is always general and its specific content can only manifest itself in cases. Especially with regards to covered agreements of WTO,which represent the beneficial balance of WTO members, the meaning of the text is more vague. In fact, without the cases ,almost there’s no way to discuss the substantial problems in the WTO .The WTO dispute settlement body is consciously categorizing every type of cases through de facto stare decisis and formulating the specific approach regarding this type of cases, thus providing some predictability for international trade.Compared with other kinds of subsidies, export subsidies jeopardize the international trade more because they directly exert burden on other countries. This article generalizes the basic approach by which the panel and the appellate body hear export subsidy cases through studying a few adopted cases and discusses some important aspects about export subsidies. This article have four chapters: chapter one deals with four heated prerequisite issues, including a statement of available evidence, the relationship of panel’s jurisdiction and consultation scope, the applicable order of articles and the relationship of Article 16.4 of GATT and SCM Agreement; chapter two analyzes the three elements, including government or any public body, financial contribution and benefit in the definition of subsidy, especially discussing the financial contribution in depth, chapter three deals with the issue of differentiating export subsidies which is divided into three aspects: the recognition of export subsidies in law and in fact, the prohibition of export subsidies defense and theexemption from export subsidies; chapter four discusses the progress in the remedy sphere of export subsidies based on the retrospection of traditional remedy methods in public international law and GATTAVTO.In conclusion, the author gives a brief description on the basic approach by which the panel and the appellate body hear the cases concerning export subsidies.

【关键词】 WTO出口补贴案例研究分析方法
【Key words】 WTOexport subsidiescase studiesapproach
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】262

