

A Research on Stock Infringement Civil Case

【作者】 徐黎明

【导师】 赵钢;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 诉讼法学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 我国证券市场自1990年建立以来,取得了令人瞩目的成就。但是,由于有关法律法规的不健全与监管不力,市场主体的操作很不规范,故而使得侵犯中小投资者合法权益的行为屡屡发生,且屡禁不止。亿安科技、银广夏、蓝田股份、麦科特等侵犯投资者权益的恶性案件曝光后,震惊了整个社会,人们开始强烈呼吁司法机关介入此类案件的处理。由于证券侵权民事纠纷的侵权主体和侵权行为较为广泛,形式多样,被侵权的对象众多,加之以往又毫无审判经验可借鉴,故法院对证券侵权民事案件的处理经历了从“驳回起诉”、“暂不受理”、“有条件受理”到“进一步扩大受理”四个阶段。与司法实践相对应,学界从2000年即开始关注证券市场中的民事侵权问题,并呼吁建立证券民事赔偿制度。2003年1月9日最高人民法院颁布的《关于审理证券市场因虚假陈述引发的民事赔偿案件的若干规定》将虚假陈述类证券侵权民事纠纷的诉讼方式规定为单独诉讼和人数确定的代表人诉讼,这在学界和实务界均引起了较为激烈的争论。本文拟从程序法的角度研究证券侵权民事赔偿制度,以探索适合中国国情且符合公平、正义要求的证券侵权民事纠纷的诉讼方式。通过对以单独诉讼、共同诉讼及代表人诉讼方式解决我国证券侵权民事纠纷所存在的问题的分析,笔者认为这几种诉讼方式皆非解决证券侵权民事纠纷的最佳途径。在此基础上进而对海外几种通常适用的解决群体纠纷的诉讼方式进行了比较分析,认为我国目前解决证券侵权民事纠纷的应然诉讼方式,是经过改造的代表人诉讼制度。即在现有人数不确定的代表人诉讼的基础之上,吸收国外群体诉讼方式中的合理因素加以改造所得之代表人诉讼制度。由于证券侵权民事诉讼案情复杂且诉讼周期一般较长,走完整个诉讼程序,对于法院及各方当事人来说都是一个讼累沉重的痛苦历程,本文在寻求以合理的诉讼方式来解决证券侵权民事纠纷的同时,还初步探索了诉讼外的其他解决方式,为当事人解决证券侵权民事纠纷提供多元的选择渠道,从而达到减少各方当事人的纠纷解决成本,保护投资者和促进证券市场健康发展的双赢目的。

【Abstract】 Established since 1990, the securities business in our country has made outstanding achievements. However, due to the relevant unsound laws and codes, and the impotent supervision, as well as the nonstandard operation of the market, the acts of infringing the legal rights and interests of those medium-sized and small investors happen repeatedly, and could not be stopped from taking place again. With the exposal of malign cases of infringing the investors’ rights and interests, such as Yi’an Science and Technology, Guangxia (Yinchuan) Industry, Lantian Stock and Macat, the whole society becomes startled and begins to strongly appeal to court for the involvement of dealing with such kind of cases. Owing to the comparatively extensive infringement subjects and behaviors of torts in securities business, various forms, numerous infringed objects, and no previous judgment experience to use for reference, the juridical handling of stock infringement civil cases has experienced the four phases of "indictment rejection," "suspended acceptance," "conditional acceptance" and "further extended acceptance." In accordance with the juridical practices, the academe began to concern with the tort issues of securities business in 2000, and made an earnest request for the establishment of stock civil compensation system. On January 9th, 2003, the Supreme People’s Court promulgated "Some Regulations about the Trial of Civil Compensation Cases Arising from False Statements in Securities Business", which prescribed the litigation form of stock infringement civil cases with false statements as separate litigation and representative litigation with certain numbers of people. This has aroused fairly drastic argument in academe and pragmatic circles. The thesis tends to study the stock infringement civil compensation system from the angle of procedure law, so as to search after the right litigation mode of stock infringement civil cases which suits the situation of our country and is in accordance with the requests for equity and justice. With the analysis of separate litigation, collective litigation and representative litigation to settle the issues existed in China’s stock infringement civil cases, the author thinks that none of these litigation modes is the optimal approach. On the basis of this, theauthor makes further comparison and analysis with several overseas litigations patterns which are generally applicable to deal with collective dissension, and concludes that the adaptive litigation pattern to settle the current stock infringement civil cases in our country is the reconstructed representative litigation system, which absorbs the reasonable elements of the collective litigation patterns abroad on the basis of the existing representative litigation with uncertain numbers of people. Since the details of stock infringement civil litigations are complicated and the litigation cycle is often very long, the experience of the whole litigation procedure has become a heavy and troublesome course for the court and each party. Under these circumstances, the author not only searches for the reasonable litigation pattern to handle the stock infringement civil cases of the thesis, but also primarily seeks after other measures of settlement besides litigation, provides multiple alternative channels for the party to deal with the stock infringement civil cases. Therefore, we could reduce the settlement costs of each party, protect the investors and enhance the sound development of the securities business.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D925.1;D922.287
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】262

