

The Study on the Development of the Human Capital in the Inner Mongolia

【作者】 张中华

【导师】 额尔敦扎布;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济在发达国家逐步成为现实的经济形态,全球系统将面临一次新的国际分工,竞争胜负的决定性因素将不仅是劳动资源和物质资本,其关键将取决于人力资本的开发和利用。 内蒙古自治区物质资源虽然丰富,但由于缺少人力资本,导致与东部沿海发达地区差距很大,且有日益加大的趋势。人力资本问题,迫在眉捷;加大人力资本投资,势在必行。 本文通过对人力资源、人力资本的概念、内涵以及两者之间内在联系与区别的理解,就人力资源向人力资本转化的问题进行了探讨,分析了自治区人力资本现状,剖析了我区存在的人才总量不足、高层次人才短缺、学历层次偏低、专业结构不尽合理、人才短缺与积压浪费现象并存等问题,并在此基础上指出了存在问题的原因(观念意识陈旧、机制尚需创新、人才待遇偏低、人力资本投入不足、外部因素的影响导致人才流失严重),提出了切实转变观念、加大人力资本投入,优化人才环境、创新人才工作机制,优先发展教育、构建教育培训体系等解决问题的具体措施与建议。 本文指出,在坚持科学的发展观和科学的人才观的基础上,充分认识并大力发挥人力资本的作用,全面实施人才强区战略,必将为自治区全面建设小康社会提供坚强的人才保证和广泛的智力支持。

【Abstract】 As the knowledge economy in the developed countries gradually comes into the economic state, the global system will face with a newly international division. The definitive factors of rivalry are not only the human resources and the materialist capital, but, critically, both the development and the improvement of the human capital.The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region possesses the affluent natural resources but is insufficient in its human capital that engenders the growing gap with those developed seashore areas in the Eastern China, which is imperative and extremely urgent for the Inner Mongolia region to enlarge its investment in the human capital.By the medium of the comprehension on the definition, the connotation, the internal correlation and the distinction between the human resources and the human capital, the issue, converting the human resources to the capital, is under discussion, the present, regional condition of the human capital analyzed, and the regional insufficient talent aggregate dissected, as well as the lower record of formal schooling, the unreasonable professional configuration, the short supply in the high-level brains, and the overstocked and the waste of talents. The reasons for posing problems (the awareness is needed to be upgraded, the mechanism to be innovated, the treatment for the talents shabby, the investment in the human capital inadequate, the external influence leads to the brain drain) are figured out. The problem-solving concrete measures and approvals about the conscientiously transforming ideas are taken, as well as innovating mechanism, increasinginvestment in the human capital, giving priority to the education and the like.Scientifically adhering to the developing attitude and that of the talent, perfectly acknowledging the utility of the human capital. The carrying on the talent-enhancing strategy would provide the adamant assurance and comprehensive intellectual support.

【关键词】 人力资本开发经济增长
【Key words】 human capitaldevelopmenteconomic growth
  • 【分类号】F249.27
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】141

