

The Concept on the Optimized Tructure of the Courses in Junior Middle School

【作者】 方香廷

【导师】 扎巴;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国课程理论研究的深入开展,基础教育阶段的课程改革方兴未艾,尤其是素质教育理论提出和确立之后,课程改革获得了明确的方向,并以更快的速度在更大的范围内蓬勃兴起,这无疑为我国基础教育的发展注入了无限的活力。本文在此背景下提出初中阶段课程结构优化设计构想,尝试在“初中阶段”这个特定阶段,从“课程结构优化”这个角度,对基础教育课程改革提出建设性的设计构想。 本文共分四部分。 首先明确了课程结构优化设计的涵义,即在课程设计过程中,利用系统论的方法、依据整体优化原则,建构课程间的联系,使初中阶段课程形成整体并在学生发展中发挥整体促进功能。初中阶段课程结构优化设计的意义在于,克服现行初中阶段课程体系中存在的弊端,体现素质教育对学校课程的要求;目的在于,通过优化初中阶段课程结构,使课程有利于学生掌握知识、有利于学生在全面发展的基础上实现个性充分发展。 在初中阶段课程结构优化设计构想的内容中,对初中课程采取了多层次的分类方法,提出初中阶段课程应包括工具课程、知识与技能课程;必修课程、选修课程;综合课程、分科课程;讲授式课程、活动课程;主体课程、专题课程等多种类型。通过整合的途径把各门类课程构建成有机整体,并用“课程合并——课程联合——课程整合”的“三步结构整合”的课程模型加以解释说明。在此基础上提出初中阶段课程方案,设计课程安排表,并与现行初中课程计划进行了比较分析,指出初中阶段课程结构优化设计构想所具有的优势和创新。 初中阶段课程结构优化设计构想不是凭空臆想的,它具有相关的教育目的、系统论、心理学、课程论的理论依据。 初中阶段课程结构优化设计是一个系统工程,它涉及多方面的问题,但是限于水平和经验,本文对其中的教材编订、教师培训、学业评价等方面尚未作深入研究和展开论述。全文以整体性原则、可操作性原则为主要原则,以系统方法以及调查法、比较分析法为主要研究方法。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of the study on theories of school courses in China, reforms on the elementary education are just initiated and especially after the appearance and establishment of the theory of quality education, it has undoubtedly secured a direction and influx great vigor for the development of the elementary education. As a result, it has flourished at a greater speed in the whole nation. Under the foregoing circumstances, the concept on the optimized structure of the courses in junior middle school was first put forward in this paper so as to give some constructive ideas on the reforms of elementary courses from the perspective of "optimized structure of courses" in junior middle school, this specified phase.This dissertation consists of four parts.First, the concept on the optimized structure of courses in junior school targets to set up the links between different courses and make them an integral part according to system analysis and the principle of integral optimization so as to exert its integral function on students’ development. The purpose of optimizing the structure of the courses in junior middle school is to make the course plan helpful for students to master knowledge and to develop their own character on the basis of all -round development.In the course of optimizing the structure of the courses, various means of classification is adopted and the courses in elementary education are supposed to include: instrumental course, course of knowledge and technique; compulsory course, selective course; comprehensive course, divided subject course; lecturing course, activity course; principle course, special subject course and so forth. In this paper, the means of integration is used to make different courses an integral part and the course layout is illustrated by the three-step integrative processes; namely, course connection, combination and integration. Basing on this, course draft for the elementary education and course arrangement table are hereby designed. And bycomparing and analyzing the course arrangement table with the current elementary course plan, to present the advantages and innovation of the concept.The concept is by no means without foundation, but with its own target, and system, psychological and course theories foundation instead.The concept on the optimized structure is a systematic project. It concerts with many problems in different fields. But owing to my own limits in experience and knowledge, with regard to the compilation and edition of textbook, teachers training, and academic evaluation, I haven’t been able to make ajirofound study and discussion.This paper is based on the principles of integration and operation and with system study, investigation and comparative analysis as the major means of study.

  • 【分类号】G632.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】193

