

Relationship between Change of Main Grain Crops’ Structure and Global Warming in Heilongjiang Province in the Past Two Decades

【作者】 云雅如

【导师】 苏根成; 方修琦;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪全球气温的显著升高,特别是近20年气候变暖带来的影响,引起了全世界广泛的关注。本文以我国受全球变化影响最显著的地区(黑龙江省)粮食作物种植结构变化为例,利用农业统计资料,结合地面气象站观测资料等,分析1980年~2001年20年间我国东北黑龙江省主要粮食作物(水稻、小麦、玉米)种植结构变化同温度变化之间的相互关系,得出如下主要结论: (1) 过去20年里,我国东北地区黑龙江省气温变化显著,各项热量指标均显示温度呈波动中增加的趋势,与全球变化趋势一致。在时间上,1984年、1987年、1994年和1997年是增温过程中4个重要的转折点。空间上,呈现由北向南,由东向西温度增幅显著增加的趋势。全省温度增幅最大的地区位于松嫩平原,三江平原和大兴安岭地区次之。 (2) 1980~2001年水稻播种面积在三种主要粮食作物中的种植比例增加36%(1980年代为6%,到2000年为39%)。小麦在三种作物播种面积中的比例从47%下降到9%;玉米的播种面积总的趋势是上升的,但在三种粮食作物中的相对比例一直保持在52%左右。过去20年中,黑龙江省粮食作物种植结构从主要以小麦和玉米为主的粮食作物种植结构变化成为以玉米和水稻为主;水稻的种植区域明显向北扩展,小麦的种植区域向北收缩。 (3) 过去20年里,黑龙江省主要粮食作物种植结构同温度之间存在着显著的相关关系。过去20年里,随着气温的升高,喜暖喜湿作物水稻的种植面积大幅度增加,种植北界已经移至52°N的呼玛等地区;玉米作为另一种喜暖的粮食作物,由于对水分的要求较之水稻低,因此主要表现出了向北扩展的趋势;而小麦作为喜寒的粮食作物,在温度,经济和技术等因素的影响下呈现显著的北退现象。这种情况的出现显然是和近20年来全球变暖、黑龙江省地区气温显著增加分不开的。事实证明温度的变化在某种程度上影响人类社会,而人类则通过改变自己的生产生活方式以适应周围环境的变化。而在时间上,种植比重的变化相对于积温的变化有大约1~2年的时滞。

【Abstract】 Global wanning during the 20* century, especially the impacts for the global warming in the past two decades, has been paid much attention worldwide. A case study is made in this paper on the relationship between change of main grain crops’ structure and global wanning in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, based on the statistical data and ground based climate data during 1980 to 2001. the analysis shows:(1) All the thermal indexes indicated that the temperature in Heilongjiang province in the past two decades has increased remarkably. 1984, 1987, 1994 and 1997 are 4 important turning points for the wanning. The sensitivity of the wanning increases from the north to the south and from the east to the west of the province. Sonnen Plain is the most remarkable area of the province.(2) Wheat, corn, rice are three main crops planted in Heilongjiang province. With the increasing of the temperature, the seed areas of rice has broadened from 2*105hm2 to 16.06* 105hm2, wheat has deduced from 20.379* 105hm2 to 5.9xl05hm2, and the area of corn has been escalating. Thus the planting structure has been changed from wheat and corn dominate to the corn and rice dominate in the past 20 years.(3) The relationship between main crops’ structure and the global warming is very evidently. The northern planting boundary of rice in Heilongjiang province has extended to 52?N at north, and been pushing towards the east The borderline of com advanced to the north. At the meantime, the seed areas of wheat are retreated northward. The change of crops’ structure is 1-2 years lagged behind the temperature change.

  • 【分类号】S162
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】510

