

Research on Cities Land Price Dynamic Monitoring System

【作者】 杜国明

【导师】 苏根成;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 开展城市地价动态监测体系建设在我国是一个全新的课题,也是国土资源部新一轮国土资源大调查的重要任务。进行城市地价动态监测体系研究具有重要意义。本文是在作者参加国土资源部项目《呼和浩特城市土地价格调查》基础上进一步研究、整理、完善之后完成的。 本文认为城市地价动态监测体系具有逻辑维、空间维和时间维的三维结构。逻辑维是关于监测体系的基本界定,包括基本原理、基本概念、基本方法和监测体系建设实施方案等。空间维是监测体系的实物表现,包含监测点及市场交易样点、地价区段、土地级别、城市、省、地区和全国七个层次。时间维是地价动态监测的结果体现,是在基期、基准日和监测周期的基础上监测所得的监测点及市场交易样点地价、地价指数和基准地价的时间序列。 本文在呼和浩特城市土地定级与基准地价评估的基础上,依据一定的理论、原则和方法,在研究区(247km~2)范围内分用地类型和级别划分出地价区段121个,其中商业用地62个,住宅用地54个,工业用地5个;确定了291个地价监测点和60个市场交易样点,其中商业用地监测点174个,交易样点30个,住宅用地监测点83个,交易样点20个,工业用地监测点34个,交易样点10个。并评估了各地价区段的基准地价。 技术方面,本文从需求分析、系统设计和系统实现三个方面论述了呼和浩特城市地价动态监测信息系统的开发与建设;从系统设计与评价标准、地理信息标准、数据与制图标准三个方面探讨城市地价动态监测信息系统的标准问题;认为呼和浩特城市地价动态监测信息系统的开发与建设的方法和模式具有推广应用价值。 本文最后分析了呼和浩特地价空间分布规律;认为城市地价动态监测成果可应用于城市土地级别调整、基准地价更新、地价辅助决策和地价信息发布。城市地价动态监测是一个长期的过程,城市地价动态监测体系和信息系统会在长期的地价监测中得到应用,并需不断进行更新和维护。 本文以实证的方法,探讨了城市地价动态监测体系建设的一些理论、技术和实践问题,建立了呼和浩特城市地价动态监测体系和信息系统,并就呼和浩特城市地价初次监测的结果进行了分析,得到了令人满意的结果。

【Abstract】 Cities land price dynamic monitoring system constructing is a new task in our country, is a important assignment of new national land and resources investigation of ministry of land and resources. It is significant to research cities land price dynamic monitoring system constructing. Basing on the project of ministry of land and resources - <Huhhot city land price investigating> the author researches ulteriorly, then wrote this thesis.This thesis argues that cities land price dynamic monitoring system has a three-dimensionalities structure that includes logic dimensionality, space dimensionality and time dimensionality. The logic dimensionality is about base ideas of monitoring system, includes base laws, base concepts, base methods, actualizing schemes and so on. The space dimensionality is actual substances of monitoring system, includes seven levels: monitoring point, land price section, land grade, city, province, region and nation. The time dimensionality is results representation of monitoring system, is a temporal series of monitoring point land price, land price index and datum land price, that all base on land price dynamic monitoring.Basing on Huhhot city land grading and datum land price appraising, under some theories, principia, and means, in the different land use types and land grades, this thesis compartmentalized the research region as 121 land price districts. In which, there were 62 commerce-use land price districts, 54 inhabitation-use land price districts, and 5 industry-use land price districts. This thesis choosed 291 land price monitoring points and 60 market business points, in which, the numbers of land price monitoring points in 174 commerce-use, inhabitation-use and industry-use respectively was 174, 83and 34; the numbers of market business points respectively was 30, 20 and 10. Then this thesis appraised datum land price of every land price district.In the technique, this thesis relates the developing and constructing of Huhhot city land price dynamic monitoring information system from demand analyzing, system designing and system implementing; discusses the standards of city land price dynamic monitoring information system in system designing and appraising standard, Geo-information standard and data and mapping standard; think that the method and mode of Huhhot city land price dynamic monitoring information system developing and constructing is valuable to be generalized.In the last, this thesis analyzes the distribution orderliness of Huhhot datum land price; argue that the results of city land price dynamic monitoring can be applied in city land grads adjusting, datum land price renewed, land price assistant decision-making and land price information releasing. Cities land price dynamic monitoring is a long process. Cities land price dynamic monitoring system and information system will operate in the long monitoring, and need being renewed and maintained.Using demonstration method, this thesis discusses some problems of theory, technique and practice; constructs Huhhot city land price dynamic monitoring system and information system; analyzes the first results of Huhhot city land price dynamic monitoring, gets satisfying achievements.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】456

