

In the Junior High School Physics Classroom the Teaching Inside Changes the Student Study the Way’s Fulfillment and Research

【作者】 胡永莉

【导师】 柴庆孚;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 学习方式是指学生在完成学习过程中的基本行为和认知取向。 学习方式的转变已成为全世界各国教育改革共同关注的重要问题。 所谓转变学生的学习方式,就是指使学生从单一被动的学习方式向多样化的学习方式转变,使学生的学习过程不是被动地吸收课本上的现成结论,而是一个学生亲身参与丰富生动的思维活动,经历一个实践和创新的过程。所以,新一轮的课程改革中,强调学习方式的变革,更主要的是强调自主、合作、探究、体验式的学习方式,从而为学生创新精神与实践能力的培养打下坚实的基础。 如何在各学科中进行自主、合作、探究式教学成为每位教师要认真思考的问题。 本文以建构主义理论为指导,从对初中学生学习方式的调查研究中,验证了学生学习方式普遍存在的问题,针对此,提出了改革课堂教学的方法和步骤,将其应用到课堂教学之中,进行了为期一年的教学实验,并对教学结果作了对比研究.研究结果表明,在学习任务和学习时间相同的情况下,针对学生学习方式的转变所采用的“自发-指导-自主”式探究教学方法,不仅帮助学生正确理解物理概念,掌握所学知识,而且,学生遇到新问题的分析能力、迁移能力也相应有所提高。进一步的研究表明,针对改变学生学习方式而采用的“自发-指导-自主”式探究教学方法,不仅使学生学会了思考,学会了发问,学会了用自己所学的知识解释身边的物理现象,而且,使教师由被动教变为主动教。可见,转变学生学习方式的教学尝试,是当今教育改革的需要,是激发学生学习兴趣、提高教学质量的有效途径。

【Abstract】 The study way points the student at complete to study the basic behavior of the process inside with the perception mindset.The change that study the way have becomes the all countries education reform of whole world together important problem that pay attention to.The study method of the so-called change student, is to direct the student from the study of passive one method direction study process that diversify that study method change, make the student passively absorb the ready-made conclusion this ascend of lesson not, but is a student personally vivid thought activity of plentifulness, experience a fulfillment with the creative process.How to proceeds in each courses independence, cooperation, investigates type the teaching become each teacher to want hard problem that considers.This text is then to construct or purchases the doctrine theories for guiding, from inquisition junior high school student study way research inside, verified the student study the method the problem of the widespread esse, and aim at thised, and bring up the reformation classroom student that the teaching’s circumstance of similar to step, will its apply to the classroom teaching in, proceeds 1- year teaching experiment, combine to teaching pan out made the contrasted the research, research result express, at the study mission with study time method bottom, aim at the change to study the way to adopt of self-moving-guide- independence" the type investigates teaching method, not onlyhelp the student the concept of right comprehension physics, and control the enunciation of a research for analytical skill for learning the knowledge, and, the student meet the new problem, moving ability too cowgirl having the exaltation, furtherly, and aim at the changes student the study method but adoption of self-moving- guide- independence" the type investigates teaching method, not only made the student’s academic association considersed, academic association ask question, academic association use the oneself the physics phenomenon for knowledge for learning explaining nearby of, but also, make the teacher teach from the passivity to change into active teach. Therefore, the teaching that change student study the way try, and is nowadays the education reform’s demand, stir up the student to study the interest, increase the valid path of the teaching quantity.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】298

