

【作者】 欧阳爱辉

【导师】 黄明儒;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自上世纪九十年代伊始,伴随着社会主义市场经济体制建立,中国已进入“大社会、小政府”的模式转型,那种“政府万能”的主流话语和实践正逐步向权力多元化和民主化趋势过渡。NGO(Non-Governmental Organization)是一种非赢利性、非政府、自愿自治的正规化民间公益组织。它号称政府与企业之外的“第三部门”,具有广阔发展前景。然而NGO在法学研究上仍属鲜有人问津的处女地,国内相关文献资料极为缺乏。这其中,NGO工作人员利用职权进行经济犯罪的问题受传统法学理论制约便更是无从得到相关法律规制,而NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪所造成的危害却又极其严重。笔者在文章中利用交叉学科的方法,紧密围绕“提出问题”——“分析问题”——“解决问题”之脉络主线,从一个较为新颖的视角探讨了这一法律空白问题。 全文共分三章。第一章为“NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪问题概述”,即提出问题。在本章内,首先利用政治学和行政管理学理论对当代社会普遍存在的NGO之定义特征作了简要概述,将NGO分为“自上而下型”、“自下而上型”和“上下结合型”三类,并对中国本土化NGO与西方NGO的诸多区别作了分析比较;其次对NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪作了定义说明,指出其得不到制约时在各方面造成的巨大危害;最后对NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪产生根源进行了归纳,认为它是由于社会转型期制度滞后和权力的自身特性、利益的刺激、旧有思想文化潜移默化和法律规制与监督体系之缺失所致。 第二章为“NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪在传统刑法学中规制之分析”,即分析问题。本章利用政治学、法哲学和刑法学相结合的交叉学科研究方法,对当前刑法学理论界的主流话语和各类具体法律规制条款进行了剖析,指出传统研究与实践存在NGO话语缺失、方法陈旧和传统研究的前见性三大缺陷。本章最后借助个案研究方法,从司法实践和NGO理论出发,对“黑哨”这一典型NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪问题进行了个案分析。认为当前最高人民检察院所作的司法实践为一种时空的错置与误读,学者们的主流学理解释是一类两难抉择,但只要设立NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪相关罪名,此等问题便可迎刃而解。 第三章为“范式转型——NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪规制问题之解决”,即最终解决问题的一章。本章以法理学方法与部门法问题相结合,认为设立NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪相关罪名大有必要。为设置相关罪名,本章对NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪法律规制的具体原则做出相关设想。在罪名和法定邢设置中也有一些较新见解,并对法条结构以职务侵占罪和受贿罪为例进行示例说明。最后运用假设性研究方法对稀O工作人员职务型经济犯罪之构成要件做出分析归纳,并将其同公司、企业等燕利组织工作人员和国家公职人员职务经济犯罪的犯罪构成要件进行详细比较说明,使之具备可操作性。

【Abstract】 Since 1990’s, with the socialism market economic system were built, China had already gone into the "big society, little government" of the period of social transformation mode. That mainstream discourse and practice "Government is omnipotent" is towards to the varieties of power and democratic changing. NGO is a kind of non-profit, non-governmental and guarantee formal group. It is regarded as "the third route" besides the government and companies. NGO has very stronger power and widely prospects in the future. But NGO is an unusual field to the law science. This data are shortage in our country now. In this, the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO are couldn’t regulate by the criminal law. But these crimes’ influences are very widely for our society. This article is related with "mention question"-"analyze question"-"resolve question". I will use a cross-science’s new method to deal with this law blank in this article.This article is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is "the brief of the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO". I will mention the question. At first, I will use the theory of the politics science and administration management science to analyze NGO’s concepts and attributes. I divide them three categories: "the up to down", "the down to up" and "the up between down". And I will analyze and compare Chinese local NGOs with west countries’ NGOs. Then I make a concept for the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO. And I point out if the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO can’t regulate by the criminal law, they will bring very large bad effects all kinds of the aspects. At last I think the sources of the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO are these points: the system of social transformation mode is dated, the attributes of power, the inducing of benefits, the culture sources and the defects of the regulation and direct system.The second chapter is "analyzing the regulation for the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO in the traditional criminal lawscience". I will analyze question. This article uses the politics science and jurisprudence and criminal science to analyze this main discourse for the traditional criminal law theories and the regulation of the law contexts. I think the theories and the practices have three defects: one is shortage of NGO discourse; the second is the method is dated; the third is the preoccupation of the traditional study. At last, this chapter uses single case analyzes method, by the judicatory practice and NGO theory, analyze the "Black Whistle" (an example of the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO). I think the judieatory practice of our Supreme People’s Procuratorate is a kind of time space misplacing and misreading. .The scholars’ mainstream construe are puzzling resolves. But if we set up a kind of the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty to NGO, these troubles will resolve completely.The third chapter is "paradigm change-resolving of the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO. I will resolve the question at last. In this chapter, I will use a method of jurisprudence to study the department law issue. I think set up a series of the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO is very important. In order to set up a series of the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO for criminal law, this chapter is conceived the fundamental principles of these crimes. In order to punishment fits these crimes, I also have some new ideas. Such as the embezzlement and bribery, I will analyze the law structure. At last, I will analyze the constitutions for the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO by the hypothesis method. In order to these regulations practice easily, also I will compared the constitutions of economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in the companies and governments with the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGOs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D917;D914
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】228

