

【作者】 肖高华

【导师】 熊吕茂;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 曾国藩文化思想主要渊源于两个方面:其一是中国传统文化,曾国藩一生信奉程朱理学,自称“一宗宋儒”,同时又“汉宋兼容”、“博取百家”,成为中国传统文化的集大成者;他大力弘扬近代湖湘文化中“经世致用”的精神,并发扬了“师夷长技以制夷”的思想。其二是西方近代文化,它对曾国藩文化思想的形成具有重大影响,使其在坚持以中国传统文化为本位的同时,在一定程度上开始摆脱“华夏中心”论的束缚,不自觉的迈出了“中学为体、西学为用”的步履。 曾国藩文化思想的内容十分广泛,主要包括“笃信程朱”的理学思想、“兼容并蓄”的百家思想、“务实求朴”的经世致用思想、“中体西用”的洋务思想、“自强求富”的近代科技思想等。 曾国藩是洋务运动的倡导者、发起者和实践者,其在政治、外交、军事、经济、教育等方面的洋务思想为开启中国近代化的步伐准备了一定的条件,发挥了重要的积极作用,因而曾国藩有“中国近代化之父”的称誉。 曾国藩的文化思想具有保守封闭性与开放进取性同时并存的双重特点。一方面,曾国藩的文化思想具有开放性和进取性的因素,在中国近代文化思想史上占有十分重要的地位,它促进了学术的发展,加强了中西文化交流,为近代科学技术的广泛传播起到了积极作用,同时也为中国近代化的开端准备了一定的条件;另一方面,曾国藩的文化思想又具有落后性和保守性的因素,他对封建传统文化的许多糟粕不加批判的予以继承,在很大程度上对西方近代先进思想和政治制度采取排斥的态度,极力护卫不符合历史潮流的封建纲常名教,以此捍卫封建等级制度和君主专制制度,开了近代文化保守主义的先河,这表明曾国藩的文化思想存在着很大的历史与阶级的局限性,因而对推动中国近代化的历史作用也是有限的。 本文试图探讨曾国藩文化思想与中国近代化的关系,了解中华民族在近代化过程中的艰辛历程,总结历史的经验,以便为我国社会主义现代化建设事业服务。

【Abstract】 The culture and thought of Tseng Kuo-fan is mainly based on two kinds of culture. The first was Chinese traditional culture. Tseng Kuo-fan who called himself ’ancestor of Confucianism in Song Dynasty’ believed in the rationalistic philosophy of Cheng yi and Zhu xi as well as ’all-embraced the theory of both Han Dynasty and Song Dynasty’ and ’learned from all other schools of thought’, becoming a collector of Chinese traditional culture. Meanwhile, he carried forward the spirit ’useful for ages’ in the modern HuXiang culture, and developed the thought ’Deal with foreigners with what have been learned from them’. Second, modern western culture , which greatly influenced the culture and thought of Tseng Kuo-fan by making it in the way escape from the thought of ’China is the focus’, and from the doctrine of ’domestic theory as subject foreign theory as supplement’ while insisting on the Chinese traditional culture as the noumenon.The rich content of Tseng Kuo-fan culture and thought consists of the rationalistic Confucian philosophy of ’sincerely believe in ChengZhu’, the thought of ’all-embracing’, the thought of ’be pragmatic and simple’, the thought of ’domestic theory as subject, foreign theory as supplement’, the thought of ’be self-reliant and prosperous’ and so on.Tseng Kuo-fan advocated, launched, and carried out the Westernization Movement. His Westernization thought about politics, foreign affairs, military affairs, economy, education etc. has provided some prerequisite for the outset of Chinese modernization. Hence, Tseng was honored as ’The Father of Chinese Modernization’.Tseng Kuo-fan culture and thought was of a dual characteristic-both conservative and open. On one hand, it was open and enterprising, which as a very important factor in Chinese modern culture and thought, accelerated academic research, strengthened cultural communication between western countries and China, accelerated the propagation of modern science and technology, and provided certain prerequisite for the outset of Chinese modernization. On the other hand, it was out of date and conservative, which took in every dregs of feudaltraditional culture, and which wholly repelled modern western advanced thought and political policy. It protected the out of date feudal doctrine so as to protect the feudal hierarchy and absolute monarchy. So it initiated the conservatism of modern culture, which indicated that the cultural thought of Tseng Kuo-fan was of great historical and class limitation, led to its limited influence on Chinese modernization.This paper tries to study the relationship between the culture and thought of Tseng Kuo-fan and Chinese modernization, and to study the tortuous course of Chinese modernization so as to serve our socialist modernization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K256
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1879

